Can take sertraline change my life?

Can take sertraline change my life?

Taking sertraline can represent a series of changes in the life of a person who begins with a specific dose. This type of medicines is used to approach depression pictures, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety and panic attacks. In certain cases, it has been seen that acts on the neuronal components of the brain, thus producing a reduction of symptoms.

At present, it is supplied by many mental health professionals who see a great advantage due to the effects it can cause on the human organism. However, it is important. In this psychology-online article, we explain if TAKE SERTRALINE CAN CHANGE MY LIFE.

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  1. How does a person who take sertralina feel
  2. How long should it take sertraline to be fine
  3. How good is it serterraline

How does a person who take sertralina feel

Setraline is an antidepressant medication used to reduce the intensity of the symptoms of several clinical pictures. However, it is necessary to mention that the body requires an adaptation period to the effects of the components of this drug to begin to notice the effects.

After this period, a person who takes sertraline can experience the following:

  • Emotional regulation: Setraline interferes with the neuronal connections that occur in the central nervous system. From this, the person may feel that their emotions last for a greater time of time. Consequently, the symptoms of each clinical picture can decrease.
  • Symptomatic relief: Body, emotional and cognitive manifestations involve an increase in well -being because symptoms can be reduced. In this way, the person is able to carry out activities of everyday life without the presence of so many inconveniences.
  • Higher production levels: Academic and work performance improves because the levels of attention increase for each field of life. For this reason, the sertraline allows lucidity and concentration to increase.

In this article you will find more information about the Setraline: What is it for, positive effects and dose.

How long should it take sertraline to be fine

As a general rule, a person may experience improvements in their quality of life After some uninterrupted months of treatment. However, it is important to know that each case is unique and may arise unforeseen.

Improvement times They will depend on the characteristics of each person to take sertraline. In this sense, it will be necessary to take into consideration variables such as pre -existing diseases, genetic history, age, sex, presence of other mental health disorders, among others.

During the first days after consumption, side effects such as nausea, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, among others, among others, are likely. However, these effects usually send once the body gets used to medication. On the other hand, under no circumstances suggests self -medication without Supervision of a mental health professional specialized.

How good is it serterraline

¿What changes produces serterraline? Discover how good the sertraline is below:

  • Increase self -esteem: decreases the feeling of apathy, sadness and disinterest in world activities. Consequently, the person may notice that their self -esteem improves gradually after a long time of consumption. This significantly influences the perception of what surrounds the person and the recognition of achievements and virtues.
  • Improvement of interpersonal relationships: The person can relate more enjoyable to their environment. In turn, this favors that it has greater resources and tools to cope with situations of fear, stress, anxiety and/or anger in their social ties.

This antidepressant presents a High effectiveness In the remission of symptoms because it inhibits serotonin reuptake in the central nervous system. Due to this action, its therapeutic effects have been demonstrated in various clinical treatments.

Negative effects of sertraline on the body

Occasionally, sertraline consumption can trigger some negative effects on the body. Here we show you some of them:

  • Intestinal problems: diarrhea, nausea, indigestion and constipation for a few days.
  • Changes in the sleep pattern: insomnia or excessive drowsiness for much of the day.
  • Agitation: Increase in heart rate, accompanied by palpitations, tremors, etc. While they can be expected side effects in some cases, it is pertinent to pay attention to their development and consult with a clinical doctor.

In these cases, it is convenient to speak with the mental health professional that is in charge of treatment to consider suppressing medication or looking for alternatives.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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