TOC in people who carry out slowly main characteristics and treatment

TOC in people who carry out slowly main characteristics and treatment

Toc in people who perform actions slowly is a rare condition, although it still occurs with some frequency.

This type of TOC is characterized because Individuals may require up to two or three hours to finish their food plate, They can lose their jobs, which makes it an incapacitating condition and, in addition, it may take a long time to dress.

These are just some examples. That is, the tasks that for the majority take prudential time, for those who suffer from TOC of slow actions, may require much longer.


  • Toc in people who perform actions slowly
  • The term obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Primary obsessive slowness
    • Bibliography

Toc in people who perform actions slowly

Many times, the TOC in people of actions slowly are observed because these subjects begin to have a retracted behavior, with little speech where silence predominates. Most have few friends and their behavior is introverted, so they socialize very little.

Today the TOC, or compulsive obsessive disorder, is an unusual condition that affects two percent of the world's population, but does not cease to have repercussions on many homes.

For example, in Spain it is estimated that there are one million people with this condition and that it includes children, adolescents and adults, although Shares of actions slowly occurs in men than in women.

This type of disorder, in the end, ends up incapacitating the people who suffer from it, because it becomes an impediment to develop their daily life in a normal way, like the rest of those who do not suffer from this painting.

Another characteristic is that, many times, due to ignorance, the disorder can go hidden up to ten years, and this affects the quality of life of those who suffer from it. The concealment of the condition can also be given by the stigma that exists, or the fear of not being understood.

When the person decides to take the first step, he begins to receive treatment and perceive improvements.

The term obsessive compulsive disorder

With this term, reference is made to a picture in which the obsessions of thought and compulsions in the acts predominate.

In the case of obsessions, These can be defined as recurring and persistent thoughts or imagess that, against the person's will, they settle in his mind and generate discomfort and anxiety.

As for Compulsions, is about actions carried out by the subject to avoid, suppress or neutralize in some way those obsessive thoughtsS and, these behaviors can be frequent hand washing, checks, putting objects in order, praying, silently counting a word, among others, because it believes that it will prevent a catastrophe from happening.

These obsessions and compulsions can be made excessive, so the discomfort they cause can affect the family, social and labor area.

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Primary obsessive slowness

As noted, this is a rare condition and mainly the male gender suffers.

It consists that the affected person has some kind of activity slowly, such as taking hours to dress, and does so with a pause that exceeds the time taking the average of the population.

Said obsessive slowness It is conceptualized as a type of psychiatric disease, or as part of the TOC. Many times, the results, even receiving treatment, can be frustrating.

Unlike a large part of cases of compulsive obsessive disorders that begin in childhood or adolescence, the TOC slowly is more difficult to find.

Actually, this Toc condition that performs actions slowly, It was described by Rachman in 1974, who documented ten cases. However, access to literature on this condition is very scarce.

In most cases that are observed of TOC in people who perform actions slowly, The characteristics are motor slowness, the poverty of movements and the history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms. In other cases You can also see a bad speech production, gestures, strange postures and ocular tics.

The specialist Christos Ganos, said in an investigation to have treated a 29 -year -old man, with a history of chronic extreme motor slowness, developed since he was 17 years old.

Initially, this man had stopped communicating verbally and became negligent with himself; At no time was he felt disturbed by his slowness, although he needed more than an hour to dress. Sometimes he suffered from incontinence, as if he couldn't move to go to the bathroom; Also, he developed unusual gestures, but, without psychotic symptoms. However, the entire picture was dominated by the extreme slow movement and thought.

Those who suffer from OCCs with actions can slowly have a good prognosis if they go for help and receive a combined treatment of pharmacotherapy and behavioral therapy.

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  • Christos Ganos, Paniotis Kassavetis, Maria Cerdan, Roberto Erro, Bettina Balint, Gary Price, Mark J. Edwards and Kailash P. Bhatia
    Article published for the first time online: March 16, 2015 | DOI: 10.1002 / MDC3.12140
  • Mittal, Ak, Majumder, P., Agrawal, a., Sood, m. and Khandelwal, SK (2013). Obsessive Compulsive Disorder early in obsessive slowness: report and management demonstration report. Indian Magazine of Psychological Medicine, 35 (4), 407-409. https: //
  • Rachman s. Primary obsessive slowness. Behav Res Therm. 1974; 12: 9-18.
  • Singh S, Sharan P, Grover S. Obsessive slowness: a case report. Indian psychiatry j. 2003; 45: 60-1.