To make sure they do not harm, what is it

To make sure they do not harm, what is it

Obsessive compulsive disorder Toc, it is a mental illness that affects 2 or 3 % of the population. Until recently, anxiety disorders were classified within the last diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, the DSM 5, has been separated and now forms an independent entity, which is called the compulsive and spectrum obsessive disorder obsessive and is very related to diseases, such as dysmorphophobia and hypochondría.

People with damage touches are obsessed with violence, but in a very different sense than criminals. If you are more interested in this article, continue reading and you can better understand what happens to them and what is their limiting source of suffering.

The to do not harm, it is a common subtype of obsessive compulsive disorder. The people who experience it have unwanted intrusive thoughts or images of hurting others in their environment. It also has to do with compulsions aimed at calming the anguish generated by these obsessions.

Damage Toc makes the person feel that he cannot trust his own mind.

Very different who without touch could have a violent thought and recognize it, A person with damage to the Toc cares that only having thought will cause pain to another person.


  • Damage Toc: What is it?
  • Damage to be violent
  • Causes of the TOC of making sure not hurt
  • Symptoms
  • Main types of TOC
    • 1. Washing machines and cleaners
    • 2. Checkers
    • 3. Repeaters
    • 4. Computers
    • 5. Accumulators
    • 6. Mental ritualizers
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatments
    • 1. Pharmacological therapy
    • 2. Psychological therapy

Damage Toc: What is it?

Obsessive compulsive disorder can adopt different forms. You can involve excessive cleaning, concern for order or to avoid some numbers or have intrusive thoughts that focus on the possibility of damaging others.

The truth is that it is quite natural and common for people with or without TOC have all kinds of thoughts, including the harmful ones. The difference is that in people with damage they close in recurring, exclusive and intense times.

Damage to be violent

Intrusive thoughts are frightful in this type of TOC, they seem signs that their lives will be paralyzed forever or worse, that they are destined to perform something horrible, such as committing a violent crime.

However, We could understand people with damage as opposed to violent criminals; In fact, these find that thoughts are considerably disturbing and would do everything possible to avoid experimenting them. In contrast, with aggressive people they almost always feel satisfaction with the idea of ​​hurting others.

The obsessive "TOC" disorder becomes a serious problem when these thoughts or impulses are taken as a dangerous sign, interpreting it as very likely and being able to act accordingly.

Telenophobia: panic to answer calls

Causes of the TOC of making sure not hurt

For the moment The causes of the TOC are unknown, although it is known that it does not appear in response to an alleged intrapsychic conflict or for a repressed sexual conflict as it was said years ago. The efficacy of antidepressants inhibitors of serotonin reuptake.

José Manuel Menchón, head of the Psychiatry Research Group of the Biomedical Research Center in Mental Health (CIBERSAM) and president of the Spanish Psychiatry and Mental Health Foundation, states that with the data available today it could be said that In 20% of patients there may be a genetic factor. Anyway, it indicates that a specific gene that explains it has not been found.


María del Pino Alonso Ortega, of the Obsessive Disorder Unit of the Bellvitge Hospital, of Barcelona, ​​and member of the Spanish Psychiatric Society, details that obsessions can be classified into 4 themes:

  1. Contagion of diseases or contact with dirt: It consists in the fear of getting a disease or the feeling of being dirty.
  2. Scare of make a mistake and that something negative derives. It translates into doubts and the need for verification.
  3. Need to order or symmetry
  4. Content sexual or religious And many times aggressive. It can be fear of insulting, fear of sexually assaulting someone.

Main types of TOC

1. Washing machines and cleaners

Washers and cleaners are affected people related to pollution through certain objects or situations.

2. Checkers

Those that inspect excessively in order to prevent an unfortunate tragedy from happening.

3. Repeaters

They are people who insist on repetitive actions executions.

4. Computers

Computers are individuals who demand that the things around them be arranged depending with certain rigid guidelines, including symmetric distributions.

5. Accumulators

These types of people collect and accumulate insignificant objects, of which they cannot detach.

6. Mental ritualizers

They are those who usually invoke repetitive thoughts or images in order to counteract their provocative anxiety of ideas that constitute obsessions.

TOC: Types of Obsessions and Compulsions more common


The diagnosis consists of an exhaustive interview and some specific questionnaires, in order to perform a good differential analysis, mental health professionals may indicate other types of tests.


The treatment is based on two types of therapies: the pharmacological and psychological and it will be the specialist who will determine in what cases the therapy corresponding to the patient must be used.

1. Pharmacological therapy

The first treatment is based on the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Studies have shown that these inhibitors favor almost 80% of patients and in half of cases, Medication calms the symptoms of TOC by reducing the frequency and intensity of obsessions and compulsions. The improvement usually is usually noticed until two or more weeks of treatment.

2. Psychological therapy

The applying method in this case is the so -called exposure and response prevention therapy (EPR). Which consists of people who present rituals of behavior are deliberately or voluntary to the feared object or idea, either directly or with the imagination. Studies show that EPR is a very successful therapy for most patients who perform it and the positive effects last once the treatment is over.

Response imbalance therapy for the treatment of TOC

Bibliographic references

  • American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.) (DSM-5). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
  • Bados, a. (2005). Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Barcelona: University of Barcelona.
  • Crusade, j. A (2014). Compulsive obsessive disorder. In v. E horse (dir), i. C. Salazar (dir) and J. TO. Carrobles (dir). Psychopathology Manual and Psychological Disorders (pp. 233-265). Madrid: Pyramid.