Types of business leadership

Types of business leadership

Leadership is essential to direct a team of different people who collaborate to achieve common objectives as part of the same project. Leadership is not innate but is perfected in the practice of experience. In turn, each professional customizes a leadership model from their own way of being. ¿What are the most frequent styles that can be inspired by the exercise of your functions? In Psychology-online we list what are the types of business leadership.

You may also be interested: leadership styles according to Goleman Index
  1. Types of leadership according to psychology
  2. Participatory leadership in the company
  3. Transformational leadership in the company
  4. Types of Business Leadership: The leader Coach
  5. The mentor leader
  6. Charismatic leadership in the company
  7. Optimistic leadership in the company

Types of leadership according to psychology

We define leadership as the ability to manage a group of people and direct their motivations towards a common goal. All individuals have some potential to be leaders. However, there are various types and leadership styles.

Before starting to read this article about business leadership types, we recommend you to do the following leadership test with results. In addition, in this test you can find what your leadership style according to Goleman.

1. Participatory leadership in the company

The leader who adopts this role inspires the team through a style that seeks the constant improvement of results through a organizational climate that gives voice to employees.

Creates a work environment in which the us acquires. Therefore, it is a methodology that reinforces integral participation of team members. This has a constructive impact on the organization that nourishes its potential for evolution with the ideas and views of those who occupy different positions within the organization chart. In turn, this possibility also increases the intrinsic motivation of workers who feel that they are part of a space in which their voice takes into account.

2. Transformational leadership in the company

The transformational leader is one who motivates the members of a team To become its best version generating this influence not only through words, but also, of the example. Thus, members of a team model the exemplary and admirable behaviors of that mentor. Employees acquire greater alignment at the level of commitment and involvement with organizational culture. This type of leadership values ​​the person as a engine of change. When the transformation reaches the heart of a team, the results also improve.

3. Types of Business Leadership: The leader Coach

Another of the most outstanding profiles in business is that of Coach leader. A person with capacity and creativity to seek constructive change in the organization implying the actors that are part of that system to contribute to this purpose by putting the point of attention in the gain that can bring this evolution.

Coaching It becomes the raw material of this leadership style through active listening capacity, conscious presence, powerful questions, rapport, assertive communication and the definition of stimulating objectives. The Coach leader observes the distance that separates the current situation from the desired state. The distance that separates both points is connected by planning.

4. The mentor leader

The approach of this Leadership style He values ​​the professional's experience that from his role guides others in the learning process by sharing teachings, training and reinforcement. It is a person who offers a constant accompaniment process to feed the autonomy and potential of the members of that team with the improvement of skills, skills, resources and competencies. The collaborators observe a mentor leader as a teacher who inspires confidence and closeness in decision making.

5. Charismatic leadership in the company

This type of leader embodies the charism in the first person thanks to its excellent communication skills verbal and body. Transmit a message of enthusiasm, motivation and commitment to daily work. This charisma produces an admiration response in the environment. This admiration is a recognition stimulus for those who are involved in the development of change strategies that suppose a competitive advantage for the organization. In turn, from the human point of view and social skills, this recognition of charism makes employees emotionally connect with a leader who they consider as someone close and close.

The charismatic leader is that professional who stands out for his ability to Empathy and its sympathy. But, in addition, they are proactive leaders in work that seek to create a new reality through their own influence and that of the team. ¿What is the risk of charismatic leadership? The vision that others have of the leader can change over time from certain circumstances and work factors. Therefore, this can also condition the recognition of that charism if employees change their minds regarding the image of that person.

6. Optimistic leadership in the company

When you imagine the ideal of a work environment in which to develop personally it is likely that you not only dream of the description of characteristics inherent in the job, but also to the human factor. The company consists of people. The levels of joy and happiness increase from a constructive and pleasant atmosphere. He optimistic leadership It is the one who takes care of this factor always linking optimism and realism.

He Thought influences In emotions and feelings. In turn, the emotional plane is reflected in the action. The optimistic leader is one who has an optimistic vision and believes in the ability to achieve that end through an action plan. ¿How optimism materializes in the practice of daily work? For example, the leader not only observes each worker in the perspective of their current reality, but also, in the ability of their growth and evolution. He is aware of the virtues and qualities of team members. The optimistic leader is a professional who feeds the emotional salary of workers through the seed of joy.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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