Types of insomnia and their treatment

Types of insomnia and their treatment

You go around, go rounds in bed and you can't sleep ... a situation that can happen promptly, but if that persists for days then, you may suffer from insomnia. In that case, it is normal for you to ask what is the cause of not being able to sleep. ¿Did you know that there are several types of insomnia? One of the causes of insomnia can be depression. In this psychology-online article, we will talk about 7 types of insomnia, better understand its characteristics and what is the treatment of insomnia.

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  1. What can the insomnia produce?
  2. Chronic (or long -term) insomnia
  3. Acute (or short) insomnia
  4. Conciliation insomnia
  5. Maintenance insomnia
  6. Insomnia of early awakening
  7. Mixed insomnia
  8. Global insomnia

What can the insomnia produce?

Insomnia is characterized by a unsatisfactory dream, both to its duration, in which the individual sleeps little, and in the repairing capacity, in which the individual feels tired.

¿What is the cause of not being able to sleep? There are many reasons that can cause insomnia:

  • Among the causes of insomnia are physical diseases: When an individual feels pain At night, he will hardly get sleep.
  • We can also mention the psychological illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder and others. In posttraumatic stress disorder, not only can insomnia occur as well as nightmares, which are common and recurring in these cases.
  • You have to pay attention to the Addictive substances, Well, these also cause insomnia. It is known that the most consumed substances are Caffeine and tobacco And both hinder the beginning and maintenance of sleep. It is worth remembering that caffeine is present not only in coffee, but in teas, energy drinks and tail soft drinks.
  • There is drugs which also produces insomnia, are drugs used for the treatment of thyroid hormones, drugs used for blood pressure, diuretics, corticosteroids. Some drugs used for ADHD treatment and even some antidepressants, when taken in the afternoon or night.
  • The habits of the individual also influence insomnia. For example, that person who works in shifts with different schedules, the individual who sleeps at different times of the day, very long naps, stimulating activities before bedtime and even sedentary lifesty life.

¿How many types of insomnia are there? Next, let's see what are the types of insomnia:

  1. Chronic (or long -term) insomnia
  2. Acute (or short) insomnia
  3. Conciliation insomnia
  4. Maintenance insomnia
  5. Insomnia of early awakening
  6. Mixed insomnia
  7. Global insomnia

Chronic (or long -term) insomnia

Chronic insomnia, also named for long -term insomnia, consists of that insomnia that persists for more than three months. It occurs minimally three days a week. ¿What are the symptoms of chronic insomnia? The individual usually feels tired, lack of concentration and irritability.

¿What is good for chronic insomnia? The treatment of insomnia can be psychological or pharmacological. Although the use of drugs must be made ultimately. Behavioral cognitive psychotherapy is indicated for producing positive effects in these cases.

Acute (or short) insomnia

Acute insomnia, which we can also refer to him as a short -term insomnia, is that insomnia that occurs with a Duration of less than three months. Generally, it is caused by Anxiety symptoms, A person can have insomnia by going through a problem. In the same way that acute insomnia can be caused by COnsumo of some substance that present that effect.

As a treatment, the individual is expected to change his habit of life, especially if he consumes any substance that is causing this problem. In addition, the psychological treatment which can also be indicated for anxiety relief.

In this article, we explain how to overcome anxiety insomnia.

Conciliation insomnia

To explain the insomnia of conciliation, we first have to understand what the latency of sleep means. The latency of sleep refers to the time one takes to reconcile the dream and go back to sleep after waking up.

It is considered normal to take thirty minutes to fall asleep, counting from the moment one lies. So the insomnia of conciliation is when that appears Difficulty at the beginning of sleep.

The treatment can be psychological because in this way it will cause a change in the individual's way of thinking in addition to treating anxiety caused by this situation. If you want to know what the non -pharmacological media are to foster sleep, in the following article we explain how to sleep quickly and deep.

Maintenance insomnia

Maintenance insomnia occurs when the difficulty in maintaining sleep throughout the night arises. It can be for the wake up frequent of the individual or the impossibility of returning to sleep after a awakening. Important to mention that in that case the individual's deep sleep status is reduced.

A psychological treatment can be indicated because in the psychotherapy Techniques are used that objectify a psychological and behavioral change by the individual, since they will act on the negative thoughts and beliefs that usually appear after days without making sleep.

Insomnia of early awakening

When we talk about the insomnia of early awakening we are referring to that individual who wakes up before the time it should. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that there are many people who have the habit of getting up in the morning without the use of the alarm clock. Then, it would be a case of insomnia of awakening early when the person feels tired for the day.

As a form of treatment, the Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy Well, he will make the individual modify his behavior in relation to said situation.

Mixed insomnia

Mixed insomnia refers to the condition of insomnia to appear together, that is, the individual can suffer a Combination of insomnia said above, For example, an insomnia of conciliation and insomnia of early awakening.

¿What can be done to combat insomnia? The same above, the treatment can be psychological or pharmacological, since in that case the situation leads the individual to feel anxious to not sleep. In this article, you will find the best sleep infusions.

Global insomnia

The global insomnia that occurs when The three types of insomnia already mentioned appear: the insomnia of conciliation, the insomnia of maintenance and the insomnia of early awakening. Generally, the individual fails to sleep at night, late to reconcile, wakes up a few hours of sleep and does not sleep again all night. It is considered the most serious insomnia because it affects the sleeping hours and these are insufficient.

The treatment can be done with psychotherapy and occasionally the use of a drug, and a change of their lifestyle is also expected by the individual looking for new habits that favor sleep quality. In this article about what to do when you can't sleep, we offer 15 effective sleep guidelines.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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