Types of anxiolytic

Types of anxiolytic

Due to the fact that anxiety can be generating inconveniences that have an impact on everyday life, on many occasions we look for various alternatives to cope with other ways of situations. Without a doubt, medicine has made great advances in the field of medicines that can appease the symptoms that appear around anxiety.

However, sometimes the variety available in the market can lead to confusion, since each type of medication has characteristics that differentiate it from other drugs. Knowing relevant data about this area can guide us regarding anxiety management. ¿You want to know more about this? In this psychology-online article we will provide you with information about the types of anxiolytic.

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  1. Meprobamate
  2. Benzodiazepines
  4. Barbiturates
  5. Beta-adrenergic blockers
  6. Antihistamines
  7. Lorazepam
  8. Alprazolam
  9. Diazepam
  10. Bromazepam


This type of anxiolytic consists of a psychopharmacus that is consumed orally through tablets. Meprobamate is indicated for the Short -term relief of anxiety symptoms in children over six years of age and adults.

  • Function: meprobamate has the function of slow down neuronal connections, that are carried out in various regions of the brain and are associated with emotional processing.
  • Dose: As for the mode of supply of this medicine, it is suggested that orally be taken two or three times per day in children and three or four times in adults. However, it must be prescribed and controlled by a health professional.


Benzodiazepines are a type of anxiolytics with the ability to Inhibit dopamine action and noreprenaline, two hormones linked to anxiety in humans.

  • Function: This type of anxiolytic lies in the inhibition of the central nervous system, which produces a person's body relaxation. Its effect can be immediate According to the table presented in each situation.
  • Dose: The consumption of this drug must be controlled by a doctor Axiety treatment specialist. In general, it is possible to take this medication intravenously, rectal and oral according to each patient. Despite this, the indicated dose will depend on the needs of each person.

To learn more in detail this drug, read our article types of benzodiazepines: list and effects.


In general, the buspirone is indicated for generalized anxiety disorders that may include symptoms such as fear, insomnia, irritability, tachycardia, among others.

Beyond this, the buspirone It takes longer to generate effects in the life of the person that other anxiolytic that produce an instant effect. For this reason, this type of anxiolytic acts in the long term in time.

  • Function: Buspirona has the characteristic of acting on serotonin, resulting in an anxiety relief without generating an addiction Not a sedation of the person.
  • Dose: The consumption of this medication can occur in adults through oral tablets that can be taken in doses of 5 milligrams per day and increase the intake until reaching 60 milligrams a day. However, drug supply must be supervised by a professional suitable.


In this list of the types of anxiolytics, this drug could not be missing: barbiturates, which are another effective anxiolytic medications in the treatment of anxiety. The duration of barbiturates will depend on the dose consumed by each person, oscillating between 3 and 12 hours according to the pharmaceutical product.

  • Function: Its function is to enable a central nervous system sedation instantaneously.
  • Dose: With respect to the suggested dose for consumption, it is recommended to take 75 to 200 milligrams daily in the form of oral tablets professional supervised.

Beta-adrenergic blockers

These types of anxiolytic are medications that have the characteristic of being able to reduce blood pressure from the blocking of adrenaline. Next, I explain in detail its operation and the taking of this drug:

  • Function: Beta-adrenergic blockers are effective in producing a Cardiovascular system relaxation, such as migraines, tremors, chest attacks, among others.
  • Dose: The supply of this type of anxiolytic must be carried out progressively in doses of up to 5 milligrams depending on each person. As with other anxiolytics, the intake is suggested under the control of a professional.


Another of the most common types of anxiolytics are antiestamines. This kind of medications are intended for the management of anxiety episodes as they contain hydroxy.

  • Function: antiestamines have a substance that is responsible for reduce brain activity and produce a nervous relaxation.
  • Dose: consumption mode is usually via capsules with a frequency of three or four times per day, depending on the seriousness of the picture presented by the person. However, it is suggested to follow the recommendations of the health professional that prescribes this medicine.


This type of anxiolytic is a medication to which it is considered part of the group of tranquilizers. In addition, Lorazepam is composed of monohydrate lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, sodium, sodium laurilsulfate and magnesium stearate.

  • Function: Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine or, also called, psychotropic substance, which makes the effect of a short -term sedative.
  • Dose: The intake of this medicine usually ranges from the 0.5 and 3 milligrams daily distributed in several shots throughout the day for anxiety problems.

To consult more details, read our post lorazepam to sleep: what is it for, doses and side effects.


Alprazolam consists of a medication composed of alprazolam, sodium docusato, sodium benzoate, pre -gesized potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose.

  • Function: Alprazolam is indicated for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders.
  • Dose: To consume it, the suggested dose ranges from 0.25 to 0.50 milligrams of an alprazolam tablet three times a day orally. This type of anxiolytic must be ingested under medical indication.

If you want more information, click on the following alprazolam title to sleep: dose, how to take it and side effects.


Diazepam is a type of anxiolytic that is used to approach anxiety symptoms given its direct action on the body.

  • Function: Diazepam produces a Nervous System Relaxation Because of its sedative and reassuring effect.
  • Dose: For adult patients, diazepam can be consumed two to four times per day in a dose that oscillates Between 2 and 10 milligrams. As we have mentioned previously, it is important to follow the medical indications for the taking of this anxiolytic.

Consult here long -term side effects.


The last of the medications within this list about the types of anxiolytics is Bromazepam. Its composition lies in bromazepam, gelatin, titanium dioxide and ponceau.

  • Function: This medicine is used to relieve psychic tension, nervousness and anxiety.
  • Dose: It should be taken into account that the indicated dose It will depend on gravity of each person's picture. However, no more than three capsules should be taken per day, which is equivalent to 4.5 milligrams. In case of complications, it is essential to go to a health center.

If this post about the types of anxiolytics has been interesting, we recommend you read which is the best medication for anxiety.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of anxiolytic, We recommend that you enter our category of Psychopharmaceuticals.