Tinder, a good option to flirt and find a partner?

Tinder, a good option to flirt and find a partner?


  • What is Tinder and how it works?
  • Is Tinder dangerous?
  • Recommendations to use Tinder
    • Conclusion
    • References

What is Tinder and how it works?

Although new technologies and social networks are used for decades to meet people, it has been in recent years when there has been a growing interest in this way of relating to others. Among the applications for smartphones destined for this purpose in recent years stands out Tinder that has more than 50 million users, mostly young adults between 18 and 24 years.

Tinder is defined as An application of appointments, meetings and even many people consider it a social network, since with it you can chat and get quotes with related people functioning as an accessible alternative to connect with other people from home comfort. To create the profile, the user must show a selection of between 1 and 6 photographs and specify their age and gender, a brief description of no more than 500 characters must also be included and can be linked to the Facebook account, Instagram and Instagram and Spotify for additional information.

Once the profile is created, search preferences are selected; men, women or both, the age range and the maximum distance in kilometers in which we want to find the other candidates. After configuring the profile to the user a series of profiles that meet their search criteria which the interested party must accept or discard anonymously. Finally, once the profile has been accepted, if the other person does the same, a private chat opens Match. And this is the purpose of Tinder; act as an intermediary between users.

Is Tinder dangerous?

Tinder type applications allow to expand the social circle of many people, although there is scarce research about the impact it can have on health of the users.

What should be taken into account is that Tinder and similar applications have certain risks to be known.

  • Within Tinder the Cybercriminals, who create bots, false profiles and send spam. The usual way of working is that once contacted the victim, an adult website is forwarded in which you will be asked to enter your personal data and a credit card to get the session.
  • In Tinder what prevails are relationships for sex, without obligations and without obligations. The main danger is that the person gets used to linking through the application and loses the ability to interact or talk to people in other circumstances, since Tinder offers too much easy occasional sex So we can forget other ways to relate to people.
  • Another risk is the call The replacement theory, It consists of the ease it offers, after a first experience with someone, to quickly move on to your next choice. Thus collecting lovers, the ability to fall in love is lost, and relationships become superficial, if it is true that we do not suffer but we also love.
  • Potential couples elections are held mainly by physical appearance, which can lead to that users cosify people that are presented to them due to the relative shortage of information provided in profiles, This emphasizes the importance of photographs in decision making.
  • Not knowing most other Tinder users, The person has the power to make up their profile With expressly selected photos or even lying in the description, subtracting realism. This above all happens among people with low self -esteem.
Meaning of erotic dreams

Recommendations to use Tinder

Below are some recommendations to be able to use this application in the most optimal way, which above all is to apply common sense:

  • Sincerity is basic. When we believe the profile it is very important not to lie in the photo, or in the data (age, profession, etc.) since sooner or later they will end up discovering us.
  • Do not create too high expectations. It is an application to meet people, be able to have casual sex and have fun, it is better not to expect to find here the love of your life.
  • Be educated and correct, It is very important to treat other users as we would like to be treated.
  • Upload quality photos, Take care of spelling faults, all this will help us give a good personal image.
  • Test the profiles that interest us and try to know them little by little since they could be false profiles.


Tinder is the fashion application to meet people. It is true that many people use it to have casual sex although various studies have concluded that Tinder use does not necessarily have any more sexual relations or more couples that non-users (Wu Salmeron, Aloma Magazine 2019,37 (1), 35-42). Tinder is simply a tool that helps us meet people and expand their relational horizons. It is our choice to use it or not.


Wu, Oscar. Tinder and sexual risk behaviors in young Spaniards. Autonomous University of Barcelona https: // www.academy.EDU/39286012/TERDER_Y_CONDUCTAS_SEXUALS_DE_RISGO