Test Your child is an independent or influential person?

Test Your child is an independent or influential person?
Duration: ∼ 5 'Type: Infant Executions: +8.000

Generally in front of the parents our children are shown with very clear ideas, they know well what they want and argue at all times the reason for their decisions, preferences, etc. It is not strange that defending their criteria children and adolescents are even rebel and disobey to get yours. But Many times this firm and independent character that we see is diluted when they are with their friends. Like adults, younger ones need to feel integrated and loved by their peers, so they try to resemble each other imitating themselves in the way of speaking, dressing, etc., But sometimes this desire for acceptance can lead them to lose their identity against others in an excessive way, letting themselves influence them as individuals.
In psychological terms Self -concept is the assessment we make of ourselves and derives from the subjective comparison we make of our person in front of others, as well as what they tell us and the behaviors they direct towards us. With this test you can see if your child has a good self -concept of himself and consequently is an independent person, or if on the contrary he "lets herself be carried away".
When Sara, Maribel's daughter who was in the second elementary school, returned home and said: "I don't like Pedro. Pedro I don't fall nice, "Maribel replied" Do you like you well?"Sara said:" Yes, "and Maribel replied:" Well, that's all you need ". You see, not even at the age of seven, anyone should accept that another person's reactions influence him negatively.
Wayne w. Dyer

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