Test Your child is lazy or too intelligent?

Test Your child is lazy or too intelligent?
Duration: ∼ 5 'Type: Children Executions: +25.000

All children have much more vitality than an adult person, since it is by nature an active being. But there are children who do not yield well in class and have a hard time focusing on studies, they seem lazy. Of all it is known that some people are smarter than others, we are not all the same, for that reason, At school some students easily learn while others, with the same teacher and the same books, seem to show difficulties In learning the same contents. Intelligence is the higher faculty of the human mind, which allows us to adapt to the world in which we live. Thanks to intelligence we are developing and learning to achieve autonomy.
When a child shows difficulty due to school learning, it is not always due to the lack of mental capacity, Sometimes he warns us the opposite, because children who are too intelligent are bored in classes due to lack of motivation and interesting stimuli that represent a challenge for them. We speak in this case of gifted children. This test will help you guide you about whether or not your child is above the general intelligence average.
In Spain it is estimated that 1 in 300 children is gifted and that 1 in 33.000 is a genius. In our country there are 400.000 "Superinteligente" children between 3 or 4 % of the school population.

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