Test Do you know how to win your children's trust?

Test Do you know how to win your children's trust?
Duration: ∼ 5 'Type: Infant Executions: +3.000

This question by itself already raises a challenge. And we all know that challenges are not easily achieved, because it requires the effort to try to overcome obstacles to achieve our goal.
Basically Any relationship between parents and children is like any one formed by two people who are different, What happens is that being a link with such intimacy and even dependence, it demands much more care and dedication. On the other hand, while two adults are on equal terms, between a father and a child this does not happen, because here the adult is the one who must govern the ship, so to speak somehow. In fact, the child expects a Father Protection and Security, Hence, it is the parents who have the role of giving in a selfless way, and also, they must make the effort to reconcile work and family in such a way, that children do not become strangers when they are all day in the office.
So that, Do you think you know how to win your children's trust?

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