Psychotechnical Test of Letters

Psychotechnical Test of Letters

Difficulty level: 1

Free test that allows you to train for psychotechnical tests of letters of letters. The objective of the test is discover the lyrics that follow the series.
B C D E ?
In this case the solution would be: "F" since it is an incremental series where the letters in alphabetical order appear beginning with the letter "B".
You can repeat the test as many times as you want since Every time you recharge the page a different test will be generated. You have 4 minutes to complete the 20 test questions. After this time, the test will be corrected automatically.
In all questions, the Spanish alphabet is used, including the letter "ñ" but without considering as "ch" or "ll" letters: "abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz". Keep in mind that the test distinguishes between upper and lower case.
We recommend leaving the series that are more difficult for you for the end.

What letter continues the series?

The psychological test that reveals your MBTI personality profile

Letter series (level 1) test

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