Coding psychotechnical test

Coding psychotechnical test

Difficulty level: 1

The objective of this free psychotechnical test is translate the 10 words to which some letters have been replaced by symbols. For this you have 3 minutes. An equivalence table between letters and symbols that you should use to make the translation is shown.
You have different difficulty levels that will allow you to adapt the test to your capabilities and overcome. For this you can gradually increase the level of difficulty. At the even levels, the symbols table is shown for a brief period of time in which you must memorize the equivalences between symbols and letters since they will be hidden at the time of performing the test.

These types of tests are usually used by human resources departments to recruit personnel. They allow to verify the speed and reliability in the performance of their work of a person who is dedicated to administrative tasks, as well as the ability to assimilate new information in a short time.
As with the rest of the capabilities, It is possible to train attention and memory. Try to perform this test for several days and you will see how your results improve with practice, decreasing the time spent to finish it and increasing the correct number of answers.
Write in the boxes that appear under each question the word resulting from replacing the symbols (or letters) of the table with the corresponding letters. The words obtained exist in the Spanish language. It doesn't matter if you write the response in uppercase or lowercase and accents are not important.


0% complete

Equivalence table

! D
* V
@ N
Graphological study test

Translate the following words.

  1. TO@!AND@
  2. *AND@!AND
  4. TO!*AND@
  5. @TO!AND@
  6. !TO@!Yo
  7. !O@a@
  8. *AND@!AND
  9. TO@!AND@
  10. *I*a@

Coding test result (Level 1)

See solutions plus psychotechnical tests Repeat test

Attention ×

Time is over


You can perform this test with another level of difficulty. This is the test corresponding to the level of difficulty 1. At odd levels, the symbols table is visible during the test, on the other hand, in the pairs, the symbols table is visible only for a period of time and it is necessary to memorize it to perform the test.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 9 Level 10