Test to know your vamping level

Test to know your vamping level
Duration: ∼ 5 'Type: Diagnoses Executions: +12.000

It is known as Vamping When consulting our mobile phone routinely before going to sleep; Either to consult social networks, play, watch videos, talk to friends and family, see photos, etc. ¿How many of us do this type of behavior? ¿How many are we going to sleep without looking at the mobile?

This behavior can alter our sleep pace and can lead to the next day we notice lack of concentration, we are more irritable, more impatient, more tired and we feel more sleepy.

But, ¿Why this phenomenon occurs? ¿Why mobile use can alter our sleep cycles? Not only for the time we spend using the device, but because the blue wave light emitted by the screens inhibits the production of melatonin, hormone responsible for inducing the dream. Therefore, when we see the screen before sleep, the brain "believes" that there is still daytime light and it is not time to sleep, so it does not produce melatonin. Therefore, the advisable, is stop consulting the mobile two hours before sleeping.

Discover with this simple test what your vamping level is and if it represents a problem that requires your attention.

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