Custom HTP test

Custom HTP test

He HTP test (from the English House-Tree-Person) or Casa-Tol-Persona, it is a projective test that applies mainly to young people and children, and that allows a global evaluation of the personality of the person, of their mood, and of your emotional state.

The test extracts this information from the person unconsciously, using the drawing as an expression, whose characteristics allow us to determine both the personality and the mood of the person.

The realization of drawings is a form of symbolic language that helps to express unconsciously the most intimate features of our personality.

The test consists of drawing by the house evaluated, a tree and a person in three different sheets, without any concrete pattern or guidelines to follow. The child should be expressed naturally, and without pressures or indications about the graphic style used.

Can Request correction of the test through our online store. This test has a cost of € 55 and is evaluated by professional psychologists specialized in this area. You will have to follow the indications that we will give you after making the payment to send us the drawings.

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