Test Are you a procrastinator?

Test Are you a procrastinator?
Duration: ∼ 5 'Type: Self -knowledge Executions: +59.000

Procrastination is the action or habit of postponing or postponing activities or situations that must be addressed, replacing them with other more irrelevant or pleasant situations.
The term applies to psychology to define the sensation of anxiety generated before a task pending concluding. It is a behavior disorder that affects us to a greater or lesser extent on some occasion, and that in more popular terms we usually call "laziness" or leave for tomorrow what we should do today.
Occasionally it is normal to suffer procrastination, but there are people specializing in postponing, they are those who behave like this continuously because they somehow believe that tomorrow will be more appropriate to carry out one or several tasks that have pending. But in reality procrastination is a problem of bad regulation and bad time organization. Who postpones or procrastin what he is doing in the background is a clearly evasive behavior.
Are you procrastinator? The following questionnaire will allow you to know if you are a born postpon.

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