Obsessive-compulsive character test

Obsessive-compulsive character test

The obsessive-compulsive disorder (TOC) is an anxiety pathology characterized by intrusive, recurring and persistent thoughts, which produce restlessness, apprehension, fear or concern, and repetitive behaviors, called compulsions aimed at reducing the associated anxiety.
The obsessive idea is recognized often alien to personality, but from within oneself. Obsessive actions can acquire an almost ritual character in order to relieve anxiety, for example, wash your hands. Temptations for discarding thoughts that are not accepted lead to an accentuated internal fight.
As for compulsions, they are repetitive and apparently finalist behaviors, which are carried out according to certain stereotyped rules or forms that the subject performs to reduce anxiety. They can be behavioral compulsions, which are observable rituals, or cognitive compulsions, non -observable rituals because they occur in the subject's mind.
With this test we help you find out if you enter this type of personality pattern. Respond quickly and do not stop too much to think about the exact meaning of each question. This test only offers guidance and lacks diagnostic value.

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