5F Factor Personality Test (Big Five)

5F Factor Personality Test (Big Five)

The Personality Is the set of characteristics, features and qualities with genetic basis, but also social or learned that make up the way of being of an individual and at the same time make it different and unique to others.

These characteristics, generally stable, determine the behavior and behavior of a person and can predict the answer that someone can offer in certain circumstance or stimulus.

For this reason these Personality test They are used a lot in staff pick, To find out if the personality profile of a candidate really fits with the company's expectations.

In this 5 factors or dimensions personality test You will find a series issues regarding the way you behave, you feel and act. They serve to help you describe your feelings and attitudes.

You must be as sincere as possible, think there are no good or bad answers, they only evaluate a type of character or temperament. Try to decide whether they represent your usual way of acting or feeling answering yes or not to each issue. Be sure not to leave any questions without answering.

There is no time limit to answer all phrases, but it is best to do it quickly. The estimated duration is between 15 and 30 minutes.
Do not worry if some questions seem strange to you; They are included to describe the different problems that people can have. This test is free.

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