Memory test memorize cards

Memory test memorize cards

Difficulty level: 1

Free memory tests in which a series of letters from the Spanish deck are presented and you have to Remember the order in which they appear. In some countries, contests of this type are organized. Participants with more practice can easily memorize the entire deck, although this obviously requires a lot of training. How many are you able to memorize you?.
At this level of memory test 12 cards are shown in random order for 10 seconds each. If you think you need less time to memorize a letter you can click on it to move on to the next.
At the end of the memorization phase, a table will appear with all the cards in which you will have to reorder from left to right and from top to bottom all the cards you remember. You have a time limit of 120 seconds to complete this part. After the time the results will appear.
When scoring the test to memorize letters, the ordination you have indicated in your response with the order in which the letters were shown is compared. As soon as the first discrepancy is located, the rest of the cards are no longer counted.


0) Nextimagenamemorize (); "> 0% complete

Reorder the letters:

I've finished now!


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Time is over


Has it found difficult? Unless you have good memory or a lot of experience, it is difficult to remember more than 10 or 15 cards. Professionals use advanced mnemonic methods to memorize large amounts of data. You can consult the article Mnemontenia Manual which contains techniques and tips to improve your results.
If you want to deepen specifically in the memorization of cards of the deck, we recommend that you read the excellent article by Luis Sebastián Pascual: memorize the cards of the deck. It is advisable to have previously read the Mnemonteny Manual since some of the tricks explained there are used in the article.
You can perform this test with another level of difficulty. This is the test corresponding to level 1. Select one among those available:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

At level 1, only one stick of the deck is used, so it is enough to memorize the order of the numbers. At level 2 two sticks are used, three sticks are used at level 3 and in the rest the entire deck. With each level the number of letters to be memorized and the time available to visualize them is increased.