Luscher's eight colors test

Luscher's eight colors test

Lüscher's test, or colors test, is a projective type test who tries to find out aspects of our personality through the choice colors. This test was designed in 1948 by Max Lüscher, and although currently many psychologists believe it lacks diagnostic value, it is common to find it in personnel selection tests.
There are two formats of this test, one abbreviated that It consists of ordering 8 color cards and another more complete that consists of several sheets with different colors. The test you will find here is inspired by the abbreviated test, which is used most frequently, and in which they exhibit eight color cards: blue, red, green, yellow, violet, brown, gray and black that We must order our preference at this time.

Is required concentration to perform the test and perceive what sensations and mood generate the different colors. The color corresponds to a mood and can reflect a wide variety of feelings.
When answering the test, you should not relate colors to objects or connotations, Try to see them exclusively as colors without meaning and order them spontaneously according to the sensations that cause you at this time. Do not consider the colors that you like most or those that are fashionable and do not build aesthetic relationships between colors.
This test consists of two phases. Order 8 colors according to your preferences. This test is merely guidance and lacks diagnostic value

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