Multiple Intelligences Test. What is your intelligence according to Gardner?

Multiple Intelligences Test. What is your intelligence according to Gardner?

Intelligence is, according to Howard Gardner, The ability we have to solve everyday problems or to offer services within the cultural field itself. For him it is a skill that, in part, is genetically marked, but that in turn can develop. Our capacities can be enhanced in one way or another depending on the environment, our experiences, the education received, etc.
From here Howard Gardner developed his famous theory of Multiple intelligences. This theory explains that we do not have a single mental capacity, but several, specifically eight:

  1. Linguistic intelligence
  3. Visual - Space Intelligence
  4. Kinesthetic or Body-Cinetic Intelligence
  5. Musical intelligence
  6. Interpersonal intelligence
  7. Intrapersonal intelligence
  8. Naturalist intelligence

Each person has in different quantity or degree each of these intelligences, but the way in which combines or mixture generates multiple individualized forms of intelligent behavior, something similar to what happens with the combination of the facial features that give rise to the faces or individual faces. Gardner proposes that each person stabilizes ways to mix these intelligences by acquiring a very personal idiosyncrasy (something like a personality in the cognitive sphere).

Do you want to know what kind of intelligence or dominant intelligences you have? Find it with this simple test and so you will know what your way of learning is and what studies can be more interesting for you according to your abilities.

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What are multiple intelligence tests?

Multiple intelligence tests are a tool that allows Measure and evaluate different cognitive skills of a person. These tests are based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

How is a multiple intelligence test performed?

Multiple intelligence tests are usually composed of a series of questions or activities that seek. At the end of the test, a result that indicates the most developed cognitive abilities of the person is obtained.

What is the use of multiple intelligence test?

Performing a multiple intelligence test can help people know their cognitive skills and Identify those areas that need more development. In addition, this information can be useful for choosing a career or profession that adjusts to each person's cognitive skills.

Video about multiple intelligences