PROFESSIONAL CI intelligence test

PROFESSIONAL CI intelligence test

Intelligence tests are usually used in the personnel selection processes of most companies since clearly reflect the different skills of the individual.
The following test is divided into nine blocks, each of which evaluates different facets of the person. The total duration of the same is approximately one hour, So you must make sure before you start it having enough time to finish it. It is a test that is usually used in companies for personnel selection, So your result will allow you to know what others will know about you when doing such tests. Seeing the result, it is possible to improve in the areas where you have shown yourself weaker.

You cannot use calculators, dictionaries or any other type help except pencil and paper to make anchors.

In each section you will be provided with the necessary instructions to complete it as well as some example problems. Mark the answer you create correct for each problem proposed and if you doubt or do not know any of the answers we recommend that you go to the next question.

IMPORTANT! This test has a cost of 4.95 euros. Includes a complete report with your most outstanding mental skills and. At the end of the test, the payment screen will appear where you can pay the amount by credit card and access the results immediately.

Free intelligence test

Phase 1: verbal relationships

In this first block the objective is to find Analogy relationships between words. In the phrase, four related terms appear, but one lacks one to look for among the five possible answers.


  1. Food is hungry as a drink is ..

    thirst liquid cool heat quenching

  2. Roof is up like ... it's down.


Look at example (1) The correct answer is: thirst. In example (2) the correct answer is: floor.

There are 32 exercises to respond in this section. When prepared, press the "Start phase 1" button. You have 5 minutes To complete this phase. After this time, the test will automatically advance until the next phase. Do not worry if you do not have time to finish all the questions since it is quite common. We recommend that you do not entertain yourself in a single question. You can jump those that are more complicated.

Start phase 1
