Sexual impulse test for men

Sexual impulse test for men
Duration: ∼ 25 'Type: Self -knowledge Executions: +50.000

This questionnaire is indicated only for men of legal age. If you have not yet turned 18 to select another test.

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This is a questionnaire for Determine our level of sexual desire or impulse against sex and sexual relations. Since each person is different and no one has a degree of excite. The test also analyzes possible sexual dysfunctions, measures Possible fears or blockages In this facet of your life and provides explanations and advice in each case. The test is aimed at young people without sexual experiences, and for people with stable partners and more or less broad sexual experiences.  At the end of the test you will find a complete report on your sexuality including advice to face it in a natural way.

The phrases you will find below refer to Activities and experiences related to sexuality and that can produce excitation or other pleasant feelings. There are great differences between people in terms of preferences in sexual behavior, so you may find described sexual behaviors that you have not previously experienced. If so, you must imagine that you find yourself in that situation to be able to answer the question: if I met today with this image or situation, would experience sexual excitement?.

Try Answer all the questions marking the first answer you can think of spontaneously, Without thinking too much. In each phrase select the response according to the degree of excitation that you currently experience when imagining it.

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