VARK Learning Styles Test

VARK Learning Styles Test
Duration: ∼ 5 'Type: Self -knowledge Executions: +202.000

Every student has an own learning style that depends on their tastes, their mental preparation, even their physical condition, in terms of sensory modalities. Identifying and using the different appropriate learning styles could play an important role in selecting the teaching style, which can significantly improve education.
The Vark model (visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic) developed by Neil Fleming studies the four basic representational systems of neurolinguistic programming (NLP), which are:

  • Visual learning
  • Auditory learning
  • Reading / writing learning
  • Kinesthetic learning


Select the answer that is best closer to your preferences, you can select more than one answer if a single does not fit your perception. Leave those questions blank that you don't know what to answer, but try to be the least possible.

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