Life Ecology Test

Life Ecology Test

The Life ecology It is a tool designed by the therapy Vicens Olivé Pibernat, founding partner of Gestalt Institute of Barcelona, and that allows become aware of the degree of congruence or incongruity of personal aspects of the individual, as well as their most significant professional and social relationships.

The test allows you to reflect your current situation in different aspects of life and make a personal projection towards the desired future to Evaluate the degree of deviation regarding the sets set and power like this consider new objectives that allow you to approach that desired future, focusing on those areas that need more attention on your part.

It is a continuous evolution process, so it is advisable to repeat the test periodically to make a monitoring of the evolution of vital areas and to be able to pay more attention to those that need a greater improvement effort.

The test Evaluate 15 different areas From your life we ​​detail below:

  1. HOUSE HOME: Refers to your own home, either unipersonal, couple or family. It refers to the physical environment, the place, the decoration, etc. and not to the emotional environment.
  2. BODY CARE: Everything about personal care: diet, rest, exercise, aesthetics, etc.
  3. Own space: It is a physical place for recollection, to find yourself and be able to rest, reflect, make decisions, meditate, do nothing, etc.
  4. Studies-Recycling: It implies continuing to learn new things, reinforce the already known, increase your knowledge, train you in new things or expand your specialties, etc.
  5. Current family: It refers to coexistence with the people with whom we have built significant links and who are part of our family nucleus today.
  6. Family of origin: This area refers to relations with those people who were already when we were born, who welcomed us, educated and raised: parents, brothers, grandparents, uncles, cousins, etc.
  7. Money management: Everything related to your economy: income, expenses, investments, debts, etc.
  8. Leisure-hobbies: They are the hobbies and entertainment activities carried out by fun.
  9. Couple-Sexuality: Everything related to the emotional-sexual relationship with another significant person in our lives.
  10. SOCIAL PARTICIPATION: Tasks that are performed in order to improve the world in which we live, such as volunteer, activism, etc.
  11. Relationships-friendships: Significant and trustworthy people who accompany us in our lives.
  12. Work-professional: The activities and obligations of the exercise of our work activity as a source of economic income.
  13. Transpersonal-spiritual: The search for the meaning of life, from beyond, of the connection with the whole.
  14. Crazy Zone: Personal freedom space that allows us to carry out unusual actions, with the philosophy that "one day is one day".
  15. SEXUALITY: Everything related to sexual relations of any kind.


To answer the test, first of all, you must indicate in the column "Desired value" of each area a word that defines what you aspire to achieve. For example, in the section "HOUSE HOME" You could indicate: comfort, luminosity, amplitude, etc. It is a free text in which you reflect what is more important for you within that area.

Press the button to see some examples of targets for the column "Desired value"

Welcome joy Love Learning Art Authenticity Authentic Self -Self -sufficiency Help benefit Honey Collaboration Share Competence Company Confidence Knowledge Building courage Growth Decision Dialogue dialog IDEALISM EQUALITY Initiative Intensity Intuition Justice Liberty Longevity Meditation Misticism Motivation Naturality Opportunity Original Patrimony Sorry Prayer Foliaria Power PREPARITY purity purity quickly reality Renewal renewal liability wisdom-Knowing simplicity to be a silence Silence Sociability Tolerance Transpersonal Tranquility Unit Valentía Truth Linking will

Then in the box "WEIGHING", indicates The importance of that area in your life. Thus, for example, someone who prioritizes family life against personal leisure could specify the high value for the area "Current family" and the low value for "Leisure-hobbies".

In the column "ACTUAL STATE" select a value from 1 to 10 indicating The degree of achieving your goals in that area currently. For example, someone who has just achieved their first job as administrative and aspires to be a company manager could select the value "2", for example.

Finally, select a value between 1 and 10 in the column "Desired state", indicating The value you want to achieve in the future And for what you will raise your own goals. The person in the previous example could select the value "8" knowing that he aspires to a manager position that allows him to reconcile work and family life.

Once all values ​​are completed, press the button "Correct Test" To see your results. Below you will find a graph and how to interpret them correctly.

The technique of life ecology, what it consists of
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Results Graph

Test Questions and Answers PIR 2004 - 2005

How to interpret the results

You will see that the table in which you indicated your answers has been completed with different values ​​and a colored code.

The rows in green color reflect those areas with which you feel more satisfied And they are identified with the acronym "OKAY" In the column "OK-AP". Congratulate yourself for the marked areas as "OKAY" And don't neglect them.

The areas marked with the acronym "AP", They are aspects "To enhance", and reflect those areas in which you want to improve. The test collects the 5 type areas "AP" most important for you, following the disonance criteria between the current and desired state, and identifies them with different colors according to their weighting.

The areas "AP" more important that you have weighted with the highest value, they are shown in Red color. Are Those to whom you should pay more attention and dedicate a greater effort, since it is the aspects that you consider most important and in which you are farther from achieving your goals. Similarly, the areas weighted with the average value will be shown in orange and those with a low power will appear in yellow, thus indicating the degree of importance of each one.

The graph shows the same results more visually. The areas that are closest to the center will be those with which you feel more satisfied.

Aim or print these results and perform this test with a quarterly periodicity to check if you are on the right track. As you get your goals, the current and desired values ​​will come together, the areas disappear "AP" and becoming areas "OKAY". If you experience a large number of changes in a short time it may be interesting to perform the test once a month. The minimum would be to do it twice a year.

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