Herrmann brain dominance test

Herrmann brain dominance test

All people acquire knowledge differently and use their own learning methods to give meaning to new information. For this reason when we talk about learning styles we refer to the way an individual uses mainly to collect, interpret, organize and think about the new information. In turn, we can say that it is the cognitive, affective and physiological features that determine this learning style.

American researcher Ned Herrmann developed a model that is inspired by brain functioning to find out the different learning styles. It states that the functioning of the human brain is conducted by four interconnected quadrants represented by four mental processing modalities. He describes it as a metaphor and makes an analogy of our brain with the land globe with its four cardinal points.

Thus, the four quadrants represent four different ways of operating, thinking, creating, learning and, in short, living with the world. The main characteristics of these four quadrants are shown in the image that appears right down.

All people have something of the four quadrants, from there our characteristics and skills are derived. But there is always one that is more dominant in our way of learning and acting. If you want to know what learning style you possess, perform this simple test based on the model of Herrmann's brain dominance. This test is merely guidance. Mark the phrase that seems to you that you get closer to your behavior or way of thinking.

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