Jung archetype test

Jung archetype test
Duration: ∼ 10 'Type: Personality Executions: +290.000

The Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung He dedicated much of his professional life to the study of human personality. Thanks to his studies he managed to identify and classify numerous Basic personality archetypes or models, that help to shape and better understand our usual behavior.
The Jung archetypes It is one of the most established and respected personality and behavior models in the world. The tests that use the Jung typology model are widely used by the evaluation centers, the training of equipment, training and personal development.
Jung's personality test measures our preferences to treat and interact with other people, process information, make decisions and organize our life. The results of this analysis offer us an overview of our personality and behavior.
Check which archetype best suits your personality with this test. Answer the following questions as honestly as you can, although in some cases you do not feel identified, try to adjust to what is best for you and your personality. 

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