Anxiety test

Anxiety test

Since time immemorial, millions of people from all over the world have felt anxiety. The role that this emotion has had and has different according to the intensity with which it is presented. Thus, the mild or moderate levels of this emotion have a beneficial effect, since they facilitate a better performance of certain activities, which is because the attention and motivation of the individual is increased.
But when anxiety rises to too high levels, it produces discomfort and can cause total and permanent deterioration, with serious complications in some cases, such as: drug abuse, labor or academic problems, and even important personal and relationship problems with the rest. And always with considerable suffering for the person suffering from said anxiety disorder.
Below we present a test so you can perform a rapid evaluation of your anxiety level, based on your emotional response according to various real -life situations.
Qualifies each of the situations that appear below according to the degree of anxiety that you produce or that you think they would produce if they occurred. This test only offers guidance and lacks diagnostic value.

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