Mobile phone addiction test

Mobile phone addiction test

This test helps you value your Nomophobia which is nothing other than the anxiety that produces the fact of being without our mobile phone. We are increasingly dependent on our devices, in them we keep our agenda, it keeps us in contact with our family and friends, we use it to play, when we go out to do sports, to access social networks, to find the way to our destiny , or in case of emergency to warn of emergency services.
In addition, more and more functionalities are added such as payments in stores or access to shipping at airports, so it can dispense with it can become practically impossible. Even so, it is possible to distinguish between rational use or pathological obsession. This test designed by the University of Iowa will help you determine what side you are in.
Value each of the questions indicating your level of commitment (if you are more or less agree) with each statement, where 0 represents "totally disagree" and 100 indicates "totally agree".
This test only offers guidance and lacks diagnostic value.

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