Test How are you in your subconscious?

Test How are you in your subconscious?

This test is designed to find out what your subconscious personality is, that is, how you are even if you are not always aware of it. To find the closest and most reliable result, you must answer what you would do if you will find yourself in the different situations that we will propose below, yes, in the most sincere and real way possible.
This test aims to find answers according to the work philosophy of the projective tests, but being automated, not always the answers are as accurate as your imagination could develop, so you will not necessarily get an absolute truth. However, it is an entertaining test that surely helps you to know yourself better. This test only offers guidance and lacks diagnostic value.

Subconscious test

First situation

Imagine you are in a forest. You walk for him for a while, while watching the landscape. You are not afraid, you are relaxed, you feel comfortable walking and observing its beauty. After a good time for a walk, you find a house in a clear.
How do you imagine what is the house?

It is a small wooden house, without windows. It is a small wooden house, with many windows. It is a large wooden house and with many windows. It is a small urban house, without windows. It is a small urban house, with many windows. It is a large urban house, with many windows. It is a big and luxurious house, like a palace. Following

Second situation

Now imagine that you decide to leave the place where the house is to continue exploring the forest. And while you are walking, you find a book lying on the floor.
How do you think is the book?

Is old, spent and small. He is old and spent but great. It's a new, small book. It is a new, beautiful and big book. Following

Third situation

Now you decide to follow your walk. But it turns out that in your path you find an unexpected obstacle, a wall.
How do you think you can pass the wall?

Surrounding it. Skipping it. Cavando a tunnel. I don't keep walking, I stop. I cross it through the door or by an existing opening. Following

Fourth situation

Prose with your ride in the forest, then, suddenly, you reach a river that crosses it. It's hot and you decide to give yourself a bath to refresh you.
How do you throw yourself into the river?

I do not throw myself, I prefer to stay out, there may be threats inside. I immerse myself little by little: first my feet, then the waist ... I immerse me suddenly, jump from the shore or let me fall. Pump jump, with run before making the big jump. You decide not to throw yourself, because you don't like to bathe. Following

Fifth situation

Now you leave the river and you are already prepared to return to your home. However, suddenly, you see yourself in front with a great bear that prevents you from passing.
What are you doing to get rid of the bear?

You run away without looking back. You get on a nearby tree. You try to reassure the bear and control it. You try to corner or immobilize in some way. Following

Test result

First situation: how can you imagine what is the house?

The wooden house: this means that you are a person tend to the traditional and the rustic. You do not like modernities, nor surprises, you prefer to live in a quiet, peaceful, safe and predictable environment, adventure is not yours, you accept it in moderation.

You have chosen that you find a house without windows, which means that you are a very modest person, that even excessively undervalued, you also tend to lock yourself up in yourself, you do not let anyone or just anyone in your intimacy, you are tremendously selective.

You have chosen the house that had windows, it means that you are a modest person, but that very social and easy relationship with other people. You do not like being alone, you prefer to surround yourself with friends and family whenever you can, even if you do not boast of your possessions or your qualities.

You have selected the big house and with windows, it means that you have a strong personality, with great self -esteem and that you are very social. You like to surround yourself with friends, and those who are not so friends, the question is to be the center of attention and make you see. For you loneliness is not an option.

The urban house: this means that you tend to the most modern, that you are a more open person and like new experiences, with greater preference for a much more cosmopolitan environment.

You have chosen the big and luxurious draw, like a palace or a house out of the ordinary for its luxuries, it means that you have an arrogant personality: you are aware of your skills, you have an overflowing self -esteem and you know that you deserve the best because you are among the best.

Second situation: How do you think is the book?

You have thought of an old and small book, this means that in a matter of friends you are very selective, you have rather few, but these are very good and durable, you have long and know how to keep them. Loyalty is your virtue.

You have thought of an old but big book. You really like having many friends and surrounding yourself with people, but above all they are friends of a lifetime, even childhood, you like to be more with old friends than to make new. You are a very loyal person, but sometimes you anchor too much in the past and this prevents you from moving forward, seeing the new opportunities in relationships of the present, or even future.

You have thought about a new and small book, this indicates that you are a very selective person in terms of friendships, do not usually surround yourself with many people, you prefer to have few but faithful. Luckily, you don't care that they are friends that you just met or that they are many years ago, while they seem adequate, in this you have no preferences, you like the novelties.

You have chosen that you are a big and new book, this means that you always like to make new friendships, you surround yourself with people, you are very outgoing and you like to feel accompanied, no matter without new or old friends, if they are more or less intimate , the question is to always have people around you, and if you also know new and interesting people, better than better.

Third situation: How do you think you can pass the wall?

You have thought about surrounding the wall, this means that you tend to avoid the problems, the detours so that they do not stain you, without trying to solve them (you wait for them to pass for themselves).

You have thought about jumping the wall, this means that you face the problems, but you do not look for a definitive solution, but you try to reduce its consequences or divert them.

You have thought that the best thing would be to dig a tunnel to pass the wall, this tells us that you make cowardly decisions about the problems, in which you hide from them, although at first you try to solve them (that is, you look for the solution that less “splashes”).

You have chosen to continue walking, it means that you are unable to face the problems, and that they can stop you completely in your daily life.

You have chosen the most accurate and intelligent option, the door (who said there is no door?), or simply open a hole in the wall: this means that you are a person who faces the problems, face them and solve them, unnecessary surroundings.

Fourth situation: How do you throw yourself into the river?

You prefer not to bathe for threats, it means that you are reluctant to maintain relationships due to fear of the consequences they may have (unwanted pregnancy, relationship problems, etc.).

You have chosen that you are gradually immersing yourself in the water, it means that you have no problems having sex, but you want to do it little by little, with caution and measuring the possible consequences well.

You have decided to immerse yourself quickly, you simply drop, this indicates that you have no problems with sexual intercourse, you accept them well and it is not a reason for concern in your life (something normal that must be treated as something natural).

You have chosen that you throw pump in the river, this means that you like to maintain this type of relations, you look for them and the faces with desire, sometimes with promiscuity and carelessness.

You have decided not to launch yourself, this means that, good at first, you do not attract the idea of ​​maintaining relationships, or that sex is secondary in your life, although you like having a relationship with serenity and without surprises.

Fifth situation: What are you doing to get rid of the bear?

You have chosen that you want to flee without more, it means that you tend to avoid this type of threat at all costs. Do not try to fix or solve it, just escape and avoid it.

You have decided to get into a tree, which indicates that you do not escape, but you avoid the problem with a solution that may serve you (the bear might not upload) or maybe aggravates the problem (if the bear knows how to climb, you will be trapped to his mercy ).

You have chosen that you try to tame the bear, this means that you face the situations of personal conflict through dialogue, but eye! If you then decide to launch it, you are the type of person who resorts to violence.

You have chosen the most intelligent and imaginative option, it is using something to corner or immobilize the bear. It could be a shotgun with tranquilizer darts, or a network, for example (it was never said that you did not have a weapon), this means that you like to directly solve this type of threats: if your personal well -being is attacked you will not hesitate to search The most useful and brave way to get out of this problem.

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