Sexual conversion therapy a prejudiced and dangerous practice

Sexual conversion therapy a prejudiced and dangerous practice

For many years it was believed that homosexuality, bisexuality or transgender being were pathological behaviors caused by several factors. Based on that, sexual conversion therapy was developed in order to "heal" these behaviors. Luckily, science advanced and we currently know that sexual orientation and gender identity are not diseases. However, the practice of conversion therapies is still present.

In general, those who promote the idea that it is possible to change sexual orientation or gender identity, do so for prejudiced reasons. In addition, the main scientific institutions have indicated that these alleged therapies are a health danger.


  • What is sexual conversion therapy?
  • Is it possible to change gender identity or sexual orientation?
  • The dangers of sexual conversion therapy
  • Current situation of sexual conversion therapy
  • How to act before this type of methods?
    • References

What is sexual conversion therapy?

When we talk about conversion therapies, we refer to a series of methods that seek to change sexual orientation or gender identity. For example, according to its practitioners, through therapy it would be possible to make a homosexual person become heterosexual. They are also known as sexual reorientation therapies, reparative therapies and denectionalization in some cases.

Among the most common techniques used in sexual conversion therapy we can find the modification of behavior and aversion therapy. In both cases, what is sought is to generate rejection towards homosexuality at the same time that heterosexuality is "reinforced". Other methods that are usually used is the spiritual advice of a religious leader and prayer.

Following this line, the Ex-Gay movement is made up of people who defend the idea that it is possible to become heterosexual or cisgenero at will. In this type of groups it is possible to find people who claim that they changed their sexuality or leaders who promote this belief. It is common for these types of groups to make life in religious organizations that consider sexual and gender diversity such as sin.

Is it possible to change gender identity or sexual orientation?

Before, international medical organizations considered that homosexuality, bisexuality and being transgender were manifestations of mental problems. However, thanks to scientific research and the work of LGBTI activists, this reality was changing. In 1986, the American Psychiatry Association eliminated the homosexuality of the third revised DSM edition.

Four years later, the World Health Organization would do the same eliminating the homosexuality of the International Diseases Classification. To date, there is no scientific evidence to believe that homosexuality or gender identity are mental disorders. The discomfort that LGBTI people usually experience are related to discrimination, violence and social prejudice they must face.

For that reason, the scientific consensus is that sexual orientation or gender identity cannot be modified. Consequently, sexual conversion therapy would be a pseudoscientific practice that is based on prejudices and discrimination.

Despite that, the United Nations Organization reports that homosexual relations are punishable in 69 countries of the world. Similarly, a report presented at the UN General Assembly indicates that reparative therapies are practiced in 68 countries. This relieves us the difficult reality that LGBTI people live and as their sexualities and identities remain persecuted.

Persistent sexual excitement syndrome, causes and treatment

The dangers of sexual conversion therapy

Continuing with the above, sexual reorientation therapies are not only against science, but also human rights. An article of the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine He points out that reparative therapies are harmful to LGBTI people. In fact, the UN report that was mentioned before equals these procedures with torture methods.

Those who submit to this type of "treatments" by their own will or forces tend to present anxiety, depression and suicidal trends. In many countries, activist and scientific organizations fight against this type of practices for directly attempting against human rights. The argument is simple: if there is no disease, then there is not something to heal.

Exodus interion, a famous organization that defended sexual conversion therapy, ended up dissolving in June 2013. In a statement, its president apologized for the suffering they caused to LGBTI people for 37 years. Although, it is worth mentioning that there are still other similar groups that are dedicated to this in different territories.

Current situation of sexual conversion therapy

Today, reparative therapies remain a common practice, especially in countries in Africa and Latin America. But, at the same time, there are countries that established legal prohibitions against this type of pseudoscientific procedures. For example, in the United States, Maryland's states, Hawaii and Washington have laws that prohibit them.

These actions have been possible thanks to the work of activist and scientific organizations defenders of the dignity of LGBTI people. Similarly, institutions such as the UN have pressed world leaders to mobilize the prohibition of sexual conversion therapy.

How to act before this type of methods?

First, we must always keep in mind that sexual orientation or gender identity cannot be changed with any method. Both things are normal aspects of human nature that do not need to be modified because they are not pathological. Reparative therapies are not based on science, but on stigmas towards LGBTI people and are harmful.

On the other hand, It is essential that you be aware of the legal situation in the country where you live regarding these methods. As citizens, we are obliged to report illegal practices if we witness these. Otherwise, we could fall into the role of accomplices to the silence about the suffering of other people.

In conclusion, sexual conversion therapy is proof that even in the world of science there may be prejudices. But, we must understand that science is objective, is based on facts and not on opinions. As time passes, we can understand about gender identity and sexual orientation. Therefore, it is a matter of time for us to live in a more respectful and inclusive world.


  • Alempijevic, d., Beriahvili, r., Beynon, j., Burmanns, b., BRASHOLT, m., Cohen, j.,… & Viera, D. N. (2020). Statement on Conversion Therapy. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 72, 101930.