Adlerian therapy What is it?

Adlerian therapy What is it?

The Adlerian therapy It seeks to promote social interest, since according to Adler's theory the source of personality problem occurs as a consequence of lack of social interest. In this way, therapy is oriented in the change of behavior, thought and emotion through different progressive stages.


  • Evaluation in Adlerian therapy
  • Removable characteristics of Adlerian therapy
  • Stages of therapy
    • First stage
    • Second stage
    • Third stage
    • Fourth stage
    • Fifth stage
    • Sixth stage
    • Seventh stage
    • Eighth stage
    • Ninth stage
    • Tenth stage
    • Eleventh stage
    • Twelfth stage
  • References

Evaluation in Adlerian therapy

Initial the lifestyle is evaluated, In order to give this to therapy the necessary context to understand the conflict. Adler tended to wonder What would that person have done if a certain problem would not have been presented, in order to be able to find what the patient wanted to avoid.

As the lifestyle adopted by the person has already analyzed the strategies to avoid or achieve certain things, in this way the patient's symptom cannot be eliminated if the lifestyle remains the same.

Removable characteristics of Adlerian therapy

Adleriana therapy is usually short, since he believed that the treatment should show some success among the first 3 months of the same. Therapy, in addition It does not intimidates the patient with very scientific terms, but rather offers a warm environment, as support.

Humor is used in order to improve the therapy environment and the religious ideologies of the patients are respected, to the point that they used to understand the struggle of the person, as well as a method to improve the emotional state of the person.

This therapy aimed to strengthen patient's self -esteem. Another characteristic of therapy is that it seeks a benefit not only to the patient but also for society.

An example that Adler used to demonstrate the Early Memories Theory In his therapy it was the example of a man who assured, without having real evidence, that his wife was going to end his marriage.

Adler's intervention was asking him about his first memory. The patient replied that he remembered to be raised by his mother, then she got him out of bed and lifted his brother. Based on this first memory, Adler infected a lifestyle based on not being the favorite, which would clearly be the cause of his thoughts of doubt about the seriousness and commitment of his marriage.

Stages of therapy

Adleriana therapy is divided into a total of twelve stages. In this article we will make a brief summary of the main milestones achieved in each of them.

First stage

In this first stage The main thing is to create a working relationship with the patient. Empathy, sincerity and honesty is absolutely fundamental, by both parties.

Second stage

In the second stage, also called the information stage, the psychologist will try Collect all possible amount of information about the patient's conflict. In addition, information about the first memories of this.

Third stage

The third stage is a phase of intense work. What is intended is to collect and clarify all the information about the patient's self -concept, as well as the thoughts and feelings about him and his surroundings.

Fourth stage

Obtained all the necessary information about the patient's life, thoughts and feelings, It seeks to boost the patient towards an improvement.

Fifth stage

In this stage an interpretation process of the new and old behaviors is carried out, as well as the difficulties presented by the patient.

Sixth stage

At this stage, the patient already has knowledge and understands some of his difficulties and vicissitudes, so already You can begin to perform an interpretation of your conflicts.

Seventh stage

Throughout this stage Emotions highlight, since they are used to modify the existing patterns characterized by being harmful, with newly healthy patterns.

Eighth stage

In this stage The patient undertakes to make concrete and durable changes In his behavior, important for him, and that will have a positive impact on his life.

Ninth stage

At this stage the importance of the sociofamily environment is emphasized. In this way, the patient begins to show interest, not only in their needs, also in those of other people.

Tenth stage

After the end of the tenth stage, The concept and sense of community has been established in the person.

Eleventh stage

New goals are sought, new challenges in which to turn after almost 11 stages of learning and personal growth.

Twelfth stage

After finishing the 12 stages, The patient has made peace with his past, is an integrated being, useful for society. In addition, it has grown personally and spiritually.


  • Adler, a., Bernstein, j., Brachfeld, f. EITHER., Bernstein, j., & Rodríguez Bustamante, N. (1965). The neurotic character. Paidós,.
  • Adler, a. (1957). The science of living. Diana.
  • Oberst, u., Ibarz, v., & León, R. (2004). Alfred Adler's individual psychology and Olivér Brachfeld psychosynthesis. Neuro-Psychiatry Magazine67(1-2), 31-44.