The Piaget's learning theory It is one of the most often and studied in psychology. In this article we will detailed it in a detailed way.

First, we will explain What is Piaget learning, Then we will make a summary of its theory, and then we will analyze it more detailed, including the relationship between development and learning according to Piaget.


  • What is Piaget learning
  • Summary of Piaget's learning theory
  • Explanation of Piaget's learning theory
    • The construction of knowledge and schemes
    • The construction of cognitive structures
    • Development factors according to Piaget's learning theory
    • Relationship between development and learning according to Piaget
    • The concepts of assimilation and accommodation according to Piaget's learning theory
      • The asimilation
      • Accommodation
  • Piaget's learning theory explained in videos

What is Piaget learning

The construction of knowledge is not carried out from the mechanism of the association, but of the assimilation and accommodation mechanisms. The information is integrated into the knowledge schemes that the subject has already built and, at the same time, these schemes are "mobilized", they are modified, experience a accommodation or readjustment process. The information is assimilated, does not accommodate. It is the schemes that experience accommodation, which means readjustments.

50 phrases by Jean Piaget about childhood and education

Summary of Piaget's learning theory

Jean Piaget elaborates a development proposal based on the Biological Adaptation Model. All organisms maintain interactions with the environment, tending to adapt, to maintain a state of balance with the same.

Intelligence (or knowledge; intelligence = knowledge in Piaget's theory) is a complex form of adaptation of a complex organism to a complex medium.

The adaptation consists of a double assimilation process (integration of information into the cognitive schematism of the organism) and accommodation (reorganization of the cognitive schematism of the organism). Assimilation and accommodation are simultaneous and complementary processes. Subscribing the biological adaptation model does not involve innatism.

Explanation of Piaget's learning theory

Piaget denies the existence of innate knowledge. The organism builds knowledge from interaction with the environment. The organism that attempts to know the reality does not copy the.

The construction of knowledge and schemes

For the Knowledge construction The organism's action is indispensable. But not any type of action leads to knowledge construction. The actions that are related to knowledge are actions that have a regularity and an internal organization. These Piaget actions are called "schemes".

At the time of birth the baby has the reflex schemes, which are the first units assimilating of reality. They are reflex or involuntary action schemes. The exercise of Reflex schemes (suck, take objects that make contact with the hand ...) lead to Action schemes (voluntary or intentional). They are examples of "take objects" action schemes, "suck objects" ..

Learning styles test

When the symbolic function appears the action schemes give rise to the representative schemes, which are also action schemes, but mental or internal. If a child thinks about the consequences of dropping an object on the ground, without throwing it, it is applying a representative action scheme. At certain times of development, representative schemes organize to give rise to operations (P. Eg. The classification, the seriation ...). Operations are organized in a set or operating structure structure. You can read more about the stages of Piaget's child cognitive development.

The construction of cognitive structures

Piaget's learning theory Understand development as a gradual construction process that allow to maintain higher levels of equilibrium with the medium. The structures (organized set of operations and, in short, organizations of internal action schemes) are General cognitive structures, that is, applicable to any field of knowledge.

For Piaget, what changes throughout development is the cognitive structure, In other words, the general characteristics of the individual's internal or mental action possibilities. For example, a Sensoriomotor child It is not able to carry out internal actions, but interacts with the environment from physical or direct action.

The child who has built the concrete operative structure It is already able to carry out operations referring to the reality that the property of investment reversibility has (P. Eg. The child may think that the liquid that has gone from a glass to (higher and narrow) in a glass B (lower and width) can pass back from B to a) and from compensation reversibility (P. eg. The child may think that the height of the vessel to compensates for its slightest width).

These "internal action possibilities" are not specific to an area of ​​knowledge, but are applicable to any content.

According to Piaget, structural cognitive changes end in adolescence, When consolidated by formal operative structure. Subsequently, knowledge will continue to be acquired, but the general properties of cognition will no longer be modified.

Development factors according to Piaget's learning theory

Piaget proposes four factors to explain development:

  1. Maturation (Organic Evolution).
  2. Interaction with the physical environment.
  3. Interaction with the social environment.
  4. Balancing (Self -regulation capacity of the organism that tends to maintain a balance with the environment).

You have to notice that they are not organized by order of importance. In principle, Piaget considers that the four factors interact and are equally important, but in their work it gives special attention and a predominant place in interaction with the physical environment and balance.

As for the relationships between thought and language, Piaget's learning theory understands that language is subordinated to thought. The general cognitive characteristics of each stage also apply to language and, therefore, determine the type of language of each stage. For example, the preoperative child will have a language that will reflect the egocentrism of his thinking; The adolescent who has reached formal thinking may use expressions that have to do with probabilities, combinations, hypotheses, etc.

Relationship between development and learning according to Piaget

For Piaget, development (the process of building operative structures) is an internal process of the organism, which follows a universal course and is based on the Balance, assimilation and accommodation mechanisms. Learning, on the other hand, understands it as an external process, of acquisition of what is outside the body.

Development is an independent process of learning and, at the same time, learning prerection. The child's evolutionary level determines what he can learn and cannot learn. Specific content learning (mathematics, biology, history ...) do not alter the course of development (cognitive structuring).

The concepts of assimilation and accommodation according to Piaget's learning theory

Assimilation and accommodation are the two complementary adaptation processes described by Piaget, through which knowledge of the outside world is internalized. Although one of the two can predominate at a given time, which are inseparable and exist in a dialectic relationship.

The asimilation

In this phase What is perceived in the outside world is incorporated into the internal world, without changing the structure of that internal world. This is achieved at the expense of incorporating these external perceptions into the children's stereotypes, to achieve in some way that they fit into their mentality.


In this phase of Piaget's learning theory, The internal world has to accommodate external evidence with which he faces and, therefore, adapt to it, which can be a more difficult and painful process.

Bruner vs Piaget and Vygotsky's learning theory

Actually, both processes go at the same time, and although most of the time we are assimilating what we perceive of the world around us, our minds are also working to adjust it and accommodate it to our schemes.

Piaget focused fundamentally on the development of the understanding of the world in children, so for him (and for children) accommodation is no more problematic than assimilation. But that does not necessarily happen as we age. We have ways to understand our world, which work for us with more or less success during adulthood. AND We have no problem assimilating new information and ideas as long as they fit with this world vision, But we find it increasingly difficult to accommodate new conceptions.

Piaget's learning theory explained in videos

Do not miss our Videos about Piaget With everything you need to know about your Learning Theory Easy and dynamic.

  • 1. Comparison with biology

  • 2. Assimilation and accommodation

  • 3. Reflexes and schemes

  • 4. The notion of object

  • 5. Adaptation and learning


  • Bruner, JS (1966). Towards a theory of instruction. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belkapp Press.
  • Piaget, j. (1936). Origins of Intelligence in the Child. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Piaget, j. (1945). Game, dreams and imitations in childhood. London: Heinemann.
  • Piaget, j. (1957). Construction of reality in the child. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Piaget, j. (1958). The growth of logical thought of childhood to adolescence.
  • Vygotsky, LS (1978). The mind in society: the development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, Ma: Harvard University Press.
  • Wadsworth, BJ (2004). Theory of cognitive and affective development of Piaget: Fundamentals of constructivism. Longman publication.