Theory of social identity of Tajfel characteristics, examples and criticisms

Theory of social identity of Tajfel characteristics, examples and criticisms

The human being is a social being. This definition is known to us and, in turn, makes us reflect on the position we adopt as people while we travel through life. The study of the human being has aroused the interest of many authors to seek responses to unknowns such as the influence of social groups.

If you are interested in knowing more about what value it has to be in contact with various social groups, what influence do the places of belonging or the factors that influence socialization, the information that we will present below may interest you. Specifically, in this online psychology article we will talk about the Theory of social identity of Tajfel: characteristics, examples and criticisms.

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  1. What is Tajfel's social identity theory
  2. Characteristics of Tajfel's social identity theory
  3. Phases of Tajfel's social identity theory
  4. Examples of Tajfel's social identity theory
  5. Criticism of Tajfel's social identity theory

What is Tajfel's social identity theory

The theory of social identity was postulated by Henry Tajfel, a social psychologist who studied the Human Being Behaviors when this is linked to certain social groups. In this way, he could formulate the conclusion that belonging to a social group with certain characteristics modifies and molds individual aspects of each person.

In other words, it is possible to achieve its own identity through the group social bond. In this article, we tell you what personal identity, characteristics and how is it built.

Characteristics of Tajfel's social identity theory

Tajfel's social identity theory has two relevant characteristics that must be taken into account. Next, we will expose which are:

  • Selfconcept: own knowledge in relation to social interactions. In this way, the personal perception of the social bond and the emotional meaning that it has for each one is increased. In addition, we must bear in mind that belonging to several social groups can change depending on the characteristics that are put into play. In fact, self -concept can have a positive orientation, since differences with other social groups arise.
  • Accentuation principle: cOnsiste maximize positive aspects of the person who is in contact with a social group. In this sense, it should be noted that there is a comparison with other social groups that can reflect the idea of ​​superiority or inferiority. This variable will depend on how group dynamics are organized.

In addition, in his theory of social identity Tajfel makes a distinction from the group notion. On the one hand, the belonging group that highlights positive characteristics is called endogroup, while people belonging to other social groups are classified as adversaries and placed in a group called exogroup.

Phases of Tajfel's social identity theory

According to Tajfel's social identity theory, it is passed through three phases to belong to an endogroup or an exogroup. In this section, we will see what are:

  1. Categorization phase:Trend that the person has to classify himself and other people within certain social groups to achieve self -concept.
  2. Social identification phase: cAs social identification is consolidated, the person tries to act according to the norms immersed in the social group of belonging. This affects emotional level on self -perception.
  3. Social comparison phase: The fact of belonging to a certain social group produces a comparison with members of other exogrupos. In turn, negative aspects of the exogroup are highlighted and more positive skills of the membership group perceive. Discover what personal skills are: list and examples.

Examples of Tajfel's social identity theory

With the objective of clarifying the possible doubts about the social identity theory of Tajfel, we will exemplify the most characteristic aspects of it with everyday situations:

  • A person is a sympathizer of a football team: The fact of belonging to a sports institution gives you a frame of reference that identifies it with certain positive qualities. On the other hand, other institutions are attributed negative aspects.
  • A woman adheres to certain political ideas: belonging to a political party can provide an identification place that implies a positive assessment of its personality. In turn, it will tend to devalue other political parties with different ideals, since they are seen as adversaries.

Criticism of Tajfel's social identity theory

Beyond the issues that stand out from Tajfel's social identity theory, the truth is that it has received some criticisms. In this section, we will mention the most relevant:

  • Minimization of individualism: This theory emphasizes how social influence develops personality. However, the notion of the own and individual aspects of each human being seems to be in the background and lacking importance.
  • Reduction of the role of culture: Beyond the group considerations that are manifested in this theoretical framework, it is important to question the role that culture and history possess in the emergence of group behaviors, since the theory gives greater importance to social factors.

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