I have anxiety every day why and what can I do

I have anxiety every day why and what can I do

Life is full of moments that can generate concern and stress. We face daily with situations that awaken feelings that prevent us from transitting our daily activities with peace of mind. Living anxiety can result in a series of thoughts and reactions at body level that are capable of generating complications that alter our way of life.

But, ¿What happens if you have anxiety every day? When stress appears daily and we do not have tools to solve it, there are consequences that are preferable to avoid. Having relevant data regarding this issue can provide us with alternatives to address it in an effective way. ¿You are interested in knowing more about this? In this Psychology-online article, we will give you information about the have anxiety every day: why and what can I do.

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  1. Why do I have anxiety every day
  2. What happens if I have anxiety symptoms every day
  3. How a person with generalized anxiety disorder feels
  4. How long can anxiety last in a person
  5. What can I do if I have anxiety every day

Why do I have anxiety every day

The first thing we must take into consideration lies in the fact that anxiety is a involuntary response that the human being produces in situations that represent a danger or a threat. If you suffer anxiety crisis every day, you probably have a generalized anxiety disorder.

However, when talking about the anxiety presented to us every day, we must take into account certain aspects that can act as triggers about this type of problem. Following these circumstances, there are some factors that can influence the emergence of anxiety every day:

  • Lifestyle: Stress that involves pressure situations can lead to generalized anxiety.
  • Genetic factors: The family heritage related to neuronal connections also plays an important role in the development of anxiety, since there are certain areas of the brain that regulate emotions in people. To know more, we recommend our article on the biological theories of anxiety.
  • Environmental factors: Throughout life, we are living situations that are stored in our memories. There are people within our close environment who have suffered or suffer from anxiety every day. In this way, behavioral features that are adopted as patterns of behavior in life can be imitated.

If you want to solve in a more detailed way the question of why I have anxiety every day, in these articles you will find information about the causes of anxiety and why I have anxiety for no reason.

What happens if I have anxiety symptoms every day

Generalized anxiety is not only linked to ideas or thoughts, but also with Body reactions that occur due to stressful situations. It is important that we can detect if the symptoms of anxiety develop every day to act in an effective way in the face of these difficulties.

For these reasons, this clinical picture It has an impact negatively in the management of our social relationships, in our lifestyle and in both school and work habits. If in your case you have anxiety crisis every day and want to learn to manage, we recommend this article with relaxation techniques for anxiety.

How a person with generalized anxiety disorder feels

The daily condition of anxiety is part of the generalized anxiety disorder. According to the DSM-V[1], This pathology presents a series of characteristics that must be present so that this diagnosis can be carried out.

Maybe you know someone who suffers anxiety in your close environment and ask how a person with anxiety disorder lives or how anxiety feels in the body. Next, we will describe the symptoms of a person with generalized anxiety disorder:

  • Excessive concern referred to social and/or labor activities. For these cases, we recommend this article about chronic concern: what is, effects and how to cure it.
  • Difficulty in controlling concerns.
  • Irritability.
  • Muscle tension.
  • Sleeping problems. If this is your case, in this article we tell you how to overcome anxiety insomnia.
  • Difficulties in concentration and attention.
  • Deterioration of social and labor relations.
  • The duration of these demonstrations is six months or more.

While these characteristics are part of the generalized anxiety disorder, it is important to understand that the presence of any of these symptoms does not imply that we are facing this type of pathology. He diagnosis It must always be carried out by a health professional, since it will be in charge of evaluating the patient's clinical evolution.

How long can anxiety last in a person

Some people claim to have anxiety every day at the same time. It is possible, but the cause may be linked to the task that takes place at that time. If you wonder how long the anxiety lasts in the body, the duration can vary According to the person and their characteristics.

Because of this, the duration in a person who presents a generalized disorder in anxiety could be greater than that of another person who suffers from anxiety for an isolated fact. However, you can decrease duration With therapy through psychological treatments.

What can I do if I have anxiety every day

It is important that you understand that it is not normal to have anxiety every day and that anxiety can be treated. As mentioned recently, given the appearance of anxiety symptoms, it is possible to resort to some treatments that have good efficacy in approaching this disorder. Here we will describe the main.

Psychological therapy

Psychotherapy sessions can help face situations that arouse anxiety in another way. Short -term therapies provide the possibility of having greater tools for Tolerate anxiety every day. As an example, we will mention the Cognitive behavioral therapy. Specifically, in this article we provide you with information on what are the cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques for anxiety.

On the other hand, there are long -term therapies that try to locate the origin of the person's conflicts, which allows stressful situations in more favorable ways. Psychoanalysis therapy is the best known within long therapies for the treatment of generalized anxiety.

Psychiatric medication

When anxiety paintings have considerable gravity for the person's life, one of the alternatives consists in the supply of medicines that They act on brain chemistry and produce modifications that benefit the patient. However, medication It must be prescribed Under the order of a health professional in conjunction with a psychological treatment.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to I have anxiety every day: why and what can I do, We recommend that you enter our clinical psychology category.

  1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-V). Arlington: Pan -American Medical Editorial