Telenophobia panic to answer calls

Telenophobia panic to answer calls

Telenophobia is the fear of answering calls and experiences almost 80 % of millennials.

Studies indicate that telenophobia, or that fear of taking the phone, arises because this generation considers that attending a call consumes them too much time.

The telenophobia, what is exactly

Who experience telenophobia often express that They hate on phone; Instead, they prefer to send a voice note and extend enough, but not talk on the phone.

That is why silence incoming calls every day becomes a more common practice, especially among young people, who prefer other alternatives to communicate, instead of traditional telephone conversations. Thus, long telephone conversations seem to come to an end and perhaps grandparents are the only ones whose calls are not silenced by their grandchildren.

A 20 -year -old admits: "With older people I do like to talk more on the phone, because they don't have that possibility that we have, especially with my grandfather who calls me a lot". But, in other cases, the boy admits that he does not respond to anyone else, put his mobile is silent all day.

Although it is a practice that seems usual today, the truth is that there are people who experience panic when answering calls; In the case of a woman named Ana, she affirms: “For me it is a world, because maybe at that time I have anxiety for clouds or I just argued with someone or I am very sad and that will influence the call ". To this, he adds that: "When I have to make a call, many times I try what I should say, I imagine how they can answer me, among others, which is very laborious, but this is produced by anxiety".

According to the clinical psychologist, Sergio García Soriano: "It is a fear of speaking in public, to speak with more people, it is usually a social phobia and, within that social phobia, we can say that a subgroup has telenophobia".

Likewise, the expert notes that: “In many cases, behind that complex, it hides wanting to control everything. But communication cannot be controlled, what one is going to say and the other will answer, that is a play, life has a spontaneity and they, what they do not tolerate, is to get out of a scheme that they do not control ".

The choice is aware

It should be noted that the choice of young people for evading telephone conversations cannot always be attributed to the telenophobia. Well, according to a study published in Bankmycell, almost 80 % of millennials avoid answering calls because it considers it a loss of time.

However, the study in question indicates that 29 % of young people generally ignore friends, while 25 % ignore their family calls and 21 % calls for their work.

A young man admits: "If he is familiar or work, I do usually take it, if I see that he is a friend and I know that it is nothing serious ... when I can", while recognizing that, among the most usual excuses that the gives are the following: "I was in the shower", "I had a silence in silence" or "I have not seen it".

This type of behavior, for Soriano, cannot be related to the telenophobia, so he admits that: “Millennials, at the moment, is not that they have telenophobia, is that they prefer to do so otherwise, it is an choice, it is not a complex. They decide that they are going to speak with their mother or their partner and the rest of their communication will do it by other means ”. He also points out that: "They, in general, also make this decision because they are digital natives and have been born with this type of communication".

On the other hand, A small fraction of young people does prefer telephone conversations because they feel greater closeness, Although they admit that, calling their friends, It is common for the call to never answerA, an issue that they understand because they know that many people bothers them.

In other scenarios, the calls that are ignored are due to the amount of advertising calls that are not desired, as well as an overinformation that has led many young people to keep the silenced mobiles.

Finally, a boy admits: “Normally, I have it silent and I don't notice me. If I see it, I usually take it, but most of the time I have it silent because it is sounding between emails and applications ". That is, this is a way that some people resort to to disconnect in some way.

What is nomophobia, what consequences it has and how to fight it


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  • Ruelas, a. L. (2010). The cell phone and approaches for study. Communication and Society, (14), 143-167.
  • Van Weezel, to., & Benavides, C. (2016). Use of mobile phones by young people. Notebooks. Info, (25), 5-14.