Personal motivation techniques at work

Personal motivation techniques at work

Motivation is a word that derives from the word "reason" that means needs, wishes either impulses What do people have. This is the process of stimulate people to carry out actions to achieve its objectives. In the work context, the psychological factors that stimulate the behavior of workers can be: the desire to earn money, achieve success or recognition, job satisfaction, etc.

One of the most important functions of the management is to favor the will of employees to carry out their obligations in the best way within their possibilities. Therefore, the role of a leader is to arouse the interest of his employees at work. We can say that the motivation at work is a psychological phenomenon that implies that the needs and desires of individuals must be addressed taking into account an incentive plan. In this psychology-online article we will talk about different Personal motivation techniques at work.

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  1. Importance of motivation at work
  2. Motivation in the field of work
  3. The 9 best personal motivation techniques at work

Importance of motivation at work

Before discovering what are the personal motivation techniques at work we believe it is important to analyze why it is interesting to have a motivated team.

In the case of individual, This importance is because:

  • Motivation will help the person achieve their personal goals
  • If a person is motivated, you will have work satisfaction
  • Motivation will help the self -development of the person
  • A person would always win working with a dynamic team

On the other hand, motivation It is important for a company as follows:

  • The more motivated the employees are, the more empowered the equipment
  • The greater the teamwork and the individual contribution of the employees, the more profitable and successful the business is
  • During changes, motivation causes more adaptability and creativity
  • Motivation will lead to an optimistic and challenging attitude in the workplace

It is important to prevent employees from feeling valued at work because, if this happens, it is possible that their performance down and their creativity and productivity are also diminished.

Motivation in the field of work

¿What requirements should meet a company or organization to promote motivation? Here we show you some of those characteristics:

  • Immediate reward system after performance: There must be a fair reward structure that provides incentives to the employee who deserves the most. Having an incentive structure implemented does not solve the problem alone, what makes it work is for employees to trust the system and believe they will be rewarded if they work well.
  • Recognize the work done: Although a worker has not been rewarded by the incentive system for not being the best, something important is that he is recognized by his boss for the job well done, although it has not been enough to be rewarded in the system.
  • Transparency: Although there are some strategic decisions that are not good to share with employees. Good contact and communication with employees must be maintained and thus prevent rumors.

The 9 best personal motivation techniques at work

Some of the techniques that can be used to encourage motivation at work are:

  1. Good communication: communicate with other people can increase your energy and your desire to overcome you. Talk to optimistic and motivated people of your environment.
  2. Stay optimistic: When we overcome obstacles we always give the best of us to overcome them. We must also accept that in addition to good things there are also others that are not so much.
  3. Discover your areas of interest: If you have no interest in a task, you should stop a moment and rethink if you should do it. If a person has no interest in a task, but it is necessary.
  4. Self -knowledge: one must try to know when his motivation is saturated and feels that he can no longer. In addition, you should know how to identify when a project is an opportunity to grow as a person.
  5. Monitor your success: record the successes forming a kind of success graph for the tasks you are working on. In this way you can observe the progress, with which they are related and foster them.
  6. Increases energy level: Energy is essential for motivation. Exercise regularly, take care of the quality of your dream.
  7. Support and motivate others: discuss and share your opinions and ideas with your friends or classmates and help you mutually maintain motivation. Invite your environment to provide you feedback in carrying out your tasks.
  8. Promote learning: It is very important to reinforce learning. Learning causes a person to trust new tasks, and is constantly exposing himself to novel situations that make him grow as a person, establish objectives and therefore increase his motivation.
  9. Divide the goals larger in smaller objectives: establishes a brief deadline to achieve small objectives that will lead you to a larger goal. In this way, you will keep the motivation high more easily.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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