Tanophobia irrational fear of sun exposure

Tanophobia irrational fear of sun exposure

In this article we will talk about the Tanophobia, Excessive and irrational fear to exposure to sunlight.

We will tell you what it is, its dangers and the important benefits of allowing sunlight to contact our skin. Also, of course, the dangers of doing so. If you want to inform yourself and know to what extent it is appropriate to expose yourself to the sun, keep reading. We will tell you everything you need to know.


  • What is Tanophobia?
  • Tanorexia, the opposite of Tanophobia
  • Consequences of lack of solar exposure
  • The importance of finding balance
    • References

What is Tanophobia?

First, let's start defining what is the Tanophobia. This is how the psychological disorder that implies developing an irrational fear to expose itself to sunlight.

It is one thing to be clear about the consequences of exposure to UV rays and for that reason avoid exposing themselves to the sun without fps. However, who suffers from Tanophobia, leads his fear at a higher level.

Every phobia implies irrational, excessive fear, before someone or something. Who suffers from this kind of phobia in particular, feels great fear of the possibility of exposing himself to the sun.

A Tanophobic person is obsessed with protecting from the sun. Take even exaggerated care. Always use hats, glasses and clothing that filter ultraviolet radiation. I am terrified without applying sunscreen. I could not, under any point of view, access to spend a day on the beach.

However, this kind of person, beyond their fear, Nor does it contemplate the benefits of exposing itself to sunlight, and the high costs of not doing so.

Tanorexia, the opposite of Tanophobia

Tanophobia has its corresponding countercara, tanorexia. Being Tanorexic implies developing a tan addiction. Someone like that ever feels satisfied with the brown tone of his skin, so It is submitted to sun exposure hours, sessions of artificial tan and useagoncents for not feeling comfortable with the tone of your skin.

This condition implies the precisely opposite of Tanophobia, in which people flee from sunlight due to panic to the consequences of their exhibition.

The greatest severity of tanorexia lies in their damages in the long run. Constant prolonged exposure to solar radiation significantly increases possibility of developing skin cancer, serious burns, ocular lesionss like macular degeneration, among other conditions more.

As they will imagine, Neither of the two extremes is good: Have phobia in sunlight or never feel satisfied with the tone of our tan.

Returning to the main theme of this article, we will resume the question of Tanophobia, so that they can understand it and thus detect if any loved ones, or even you, suffer from it. Keep reading, we will tell you everything they need to know about extreme fear of sun exposure and its consequences.

Taijin Kyofusho disorder, a Japanese phobia

Consequences of lack of solar exposure

While, as we have already advanced, the extreme and constant exposure to sunlight brings consequences, the obsessive avoidance to exposure also does so. In fact, sitting under the sun has important benefits.

The sun is indispensable for the planet, for life and, of course, for humans. When we expose our skin to sunlight we absorb vitamin D. The sun is the main existing source of this very important vitamin. This vitamin D which allows us to correctly absorb calcium, A fundamental mineral for the strength of our bones and teeth.

The benefits of exposing themselves to sunlight are not reduced to the inappropriate vitamin D absorption, it also entails many others. It allows Reducing blood pressure increases the immune response, reduces blood cholesterol. Even breathing improves, so it is recommended that people suffering from asthma or some other respiratory condition, are exposed moderately in sunlight, to take advantage of their benefits.

The lack of vitamin D is also associated with the possibility of developing some types of cancer. Among the list are colorectal cancer and it has been proven that sunlight protects against the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

The impact of the sun on the skin also brings important benefits to it. Is recommended by specialists to Treat problems such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, congenital ichthiosis, even acne.

However, it is necessary to remember that also Sun exposure must be moderate. To enjoy the advantages of sunlight it is not necessary to spend hours and hours under the sun. It is proven that With 15 minutes every three days, even being outdoors under the shade, we can absorb vitamin D necessary to strengthen our bones and allow our blood and respiratory system to also benefit.

The importance of finding balance

It's not about spending endless hours under the sun, as a Tanoréxico would do. Nor is it the solution at all costs the exposure which Tanophobic. What is about finding the right balance between Tanorexia and Tanophobia. Which, of course, can be difficult.

The key consists of being informed. We must be aware of the benefits of exposing ourselves to sunlight and its importance, but also knowing about the consequences that the excessive impact of the UV rays of solar radiation can cause, without developing excessive fear due to this.

The balance point can be difficult to find, but we encourage you to do it. Think about the benefits of moderate sun exposure, use sunscreen and well. If they feared the sun, they will see how they overcoming their fear will get important health benefits.

Tanophobia can be very dangerous. With 15 minutes of sun, every three days, we will see great changes in our body. Nothing difficult, right? Thanks to the sun is that there is life on earth, go outside and enjoy it, taking the corresponding care measures.


  • Bright, u. P., & Human, s. Sunlight Benefits.
  • Dermatologist, p., of the hospital, s. D. D., & Rossell, P. Sun exposure risks.
  • Laporta-Herrero, i., & Latorre-Forcén, P. (2020). Tanorexia. A review of current scientific literature.
  • Mead, m. N. (2009). Benefits of sunlight: a brilliant point for human health. Science & work, (31), 7-14.
  • PANA, a. (2019, August 21). 6 keys to understand Tanophobia. Recovered from https: // www.Elle.com/es/beauty/health-fitness/a28614720/tanophobia-que-es/
  • Rodríguez García, R., Hahavarría Miyares, J. H., & Azze Pavón, M. D. L. TO. (2001). Skin and occupation cancer. Cuban Medicine Magazine40(4), 266-272.