Therapeutic touch 10 benefits

Therapeutic touch 10 benefits

The therapeutic touch is a fairly requested option today, since From this current one works with the patient's energy fields In order to improve your health.

This type of resources is considered within alternative medicine, because there are those who believe in their benefits, while others prefer to save distance and resort to the methods of traditional medicine.

However, it is worth analyzing some points offered by the therapeutic touch to establish clear conclusions.


  • What is therapeutic touch?
  • Benefits of therapeutic touch
  • Does the therapeutic touch really work?
    • Bibliography:

What is therapeutic touch?

The therapeutic touch is One way to apply medicine where what prevails is touch.

Since ancient times, the importance of touch and massage itself is known to relieve ailments.

For example, author Vernaza Paola, in her study on massage as a technique in pain management, details that I have given more than 80 ways in which massages can be applied And that, although their ends are different for each of them -such as relaxation, pain relief, improve athletes functioning, among others -the objective of all, in the end, is to improve the quality of life and generate welfare.

In the case of medicine that uses energy touch, its main source of work is energy itself, then, the therapist is the one who acts by handling that energy, being its main means of action the biocampus, both your own and patient.

Although there are many ways to give massages, the truth is that, in energy touch, The specialist does not touch the patient, but try to influence his biocampus.

That is to say, Practitioners move their hands, keeping distance with the patient, And in this way they try that the patient, through that use of energy, feels better.

Now, what are the benefits that the therapeutic touch contributes?

Benefits of therapeutic touch

Among the benefits generated by the therapeutic touch, both practitioners and patients have reported the following:

  1. Calm anxiety;
  2. Generates calm;
  3. Strengthens the immune system;
  4. Decreases pain and inflammation caused by arthritis;
  5. Hemoglobin improves;
  6. Decreases fever;
  7. Calm the tension;
  8. It reduces stress;
  9. Improve depression pictures.
  10. Aminora any pain in the body, among others.

In addition to these benefits, therapeutic touch can also be useful for treating other conditions, since, as mentioned, it is worked from the energy field.

Placebo effect: the psychological explanation

Does the therapeutic touch really work?

It is possible that many wonder how the therapeutic touch works, or if it really works, then, in this type of intervention the patient is not touched, nor is it working in a conventional way.

Another question that could also be asked is yes How it is known that therapeutic touch is working if there are no devices that exactly measure energy of a person, for example?

There are many questions that arise before this type of practices, because, Nor are rigorous studies that guarantee their effectiveness, Under all the parameters that are considered for a discipline to be considered scientific.

Those who practice this type of traditional medicine consider that the therapeutic touch consists of an intentionally directed energy exchange, and the main work method of the practitioner is their hands, through which it influences the biocampus of the person who is treated.

It is worth remembering that This technique had its appearance in the 70s, when the pHD., Dolores Krieger partnered with a healer named Dora Van Gelder Kunz And, after a few applications that were said to be successful, the rise of practice began.

Without contact, only with energy handling, the person and sufferings were supposedly given.

Currently There are many doctors who have certified to exercise this practice, Not only in the United States, but around the world. There are even hospitals in which therapeutic touch is already accepted and practiced with patients.

More than a scientific approach, the therapeutic touch is based on an experience of faith and spirituality, which do not approach the scientific walls of today, since, from this practice, The therapist acts as an intermediary in energy management And, through your own, it seeks to positively affect the patient's.

Do you think it is an approach that is worth trying, or that it is just pseudoscience, what do you think?

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  • Bosch Pastrana, M. (2019). Reiki effectiveness, therapeutic touch or healing touch in pain management.
  • of God, r. F. (1997). The therapeutic touch: a nursing service tool. Natura Medicatrix: Medical Magazine for the study and dissemination of alternative medicines, (48), 13-14.
  • Fritz, s. (2001). Fundamentals of therapeutic massage. Editorial Paidotribo.
  • Kinder, f. J., Phillips, g., Runnels, l., Hirsch, a. M., Bunton, a., & Policy, D. Therapeutic touch
  • Vernaza-Pinzón, Paola & Summary, Pinzón. (2007). Massage as an intervention technique in pain management. Journal of the Faculty of Health Sciences. 9.