Tobacco why you should stop consuming it

Tobacco why you should stop consuming it

Tobacco is not only addictive, but extremely harmful to health. In this article we will give you the main reasons why you should leave it behind, to preserve your well -being and that of the people around you.

Keep reading to learn why you should stop consuming tobacco and how to do it.


  • What is tobacco?
  • Why is it addictive?
  • Consequences of consuming tobacco
    • Particularly risk situations
  • 4 tips to say goodbye to tobacco
    • 1. Start progressively
    • 2. Try to replace nicotine
    • 3. Delays consumption
    • 4. Perform activities that allow you to clear you
  • Take care of your health, stop the consumption of tobacco
    • Sources

What is tobacco?

Let's start by defining what tobacco is. This is a plant that is grown to extract its leaves. The tobacco leaves are allowed to dry, they are aged and cured to be used in various products such as cigarettes, cigarettes and chewable tobacco.

Tobacco leaves contain chemical substances in large quantities, which are extremely addictive. During its combustion, toxic products are generated in extreme health, such as tars, carbon monoxide, phenols and ammonia.

It is not necessary.

Why is it addictive?

The factor that returns to addictive tobacco is nicotine, which creates a dependence very similar to that of drug addiction such as cocaine.

In just 10 seconds, nicotine arrives the brain And once that happens, this substance promotes the Release of cerebral chemicals: neurotransmitters, which regulate behavior and mood.

This substance, in the brain It produces pleasant effects. The biggest problem of tobacco consumption is that the pleasant effect that nicotine produces It is only temporaryl. This means that once the pleasant feeling comes to an end, The consumer needs to feel it again. That is why it resorts to tobacco again, being able in many cases to generate dependence.

When someone becomes addicted to tobacco and decides to quit smoking, he will not be able to avoid facing withdrawal syndrome. By ceasing to consume nicotine, who is accustomed to doing so quickly note the lack of endorphins that tobacco causes.

The effects of tobacco abstinence include: irritability, fatigue, sleepiness, sleep disorders and weight gain. They begin to feel between 24 and 48 hours after the last time tobacco was consumed, and they usually last between 2 and 4 weeks, although with the passing of the days they decrease.

Functions of the elderly psychologist

Consequences of consuming tobacco

As you can imagine at this point, tobacco consumption involves serious consequences for its addictive effects and the toxicity of its components. Here we will tell you what are the main consequences linked to tobacco consumption.

While nicotine (the addictive substance linked to tobacco consumption) does not return to consumers prone to cancer, Tobacco smoke contains at least 60 carcinogenic substances. Among people suffering from cancer, the risk of death of tobacco consumers is four times higher than among those who do not consume it.

The most common cancer that usually causes tobacco consumption is lung cancer, although the disease can also develop in the mouth, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidneys and bladder.

The consequences of consuming tobacco do not end in the possibility of developing cancer, but also can cause chronic bronchitis, emphysema And, in asthmatic people, exacerba their symptoms. Smoking also increases the risk of heart disease and possibility of a heart attack.

Is proven that in Those people who begin to consume tobacco before the age of 25, their quality of life deteriorates significantly With the passage of time compared to those people who do not consume it.

Particularly risk situations

Some particular situations predispose tobacco consumers in conditions of special risk to get disease. We will tell you what these risk conditions are.

Teenagers, that their consumption begins early, then They have greater difficulties when trying to leave it and generate a stronger dependence. Those who already suffer from previous respiratory or cardiac diseases, when starting to tobacco consumption, worsen their picture. In pregnant women tobacco consumption is extremely risky, nicotine crosses the placental barrier, so it reaches the fetus. It is also a danger to infants, if your mother consumes tobacco, nicotine reaches breast milk.

It is very important that Tobacco consuming parents keep in mind to do so in front of their children, Not only does it damage the health of the little ones that when breathing the smoke They become passive smokers, but they are also given a bad example. Think, as parents, on the health of their children, so that they do not follow their steps in tobacco consumption.

4 tips to say goodbye to tobacco

So far we expect our readers are convinced of why they should stop consuming tobacco. We invite you to leave behind your nicotine addiction that does not do any good.

We will give you some tips so that they can say goodbye to tobacco and improve their quality of life.

1. Start progressively

If you are a person who consumes a lot of daily tobacco, See little by little amounts once you decide to leave it. Of smoking 10 cigarettes per day, goes to smoking 8, then 6, then 3. You will see that in this way things will be facilitated by facing abstinence.

2. Try to replace nicotine

There are alternatives to replace nicotine, this option is called Replacement therapies. They work spilling the anxiety and need for consumption without resorting to tobacco.

You can consult it with a trusted doctor. With mask rubber with nicotine, patches and even some medications, it is possible to reduce the urgency of consumption momentarily.

3. Delays consumption

When the need or desire to consume tobacco arises, Try to wait a few minutes. Take a glass of water, walk a little, do something that occupies you for a minimum moment and then replace if you really need. You will see that the desire will be diluted.

4. Perform activities that allow you to clear you

Clearing the mind is fundamental when looking to leave behind an addiction. Perform physical activity, meditate, walk, even watch a movie. Any activity that occupies your thought will be useful to relax and avoid resorting to tobacco consumption.

Take care of your health, stop the consumption of tobacco

If you consume tobacco, now you will know the consequences of doing so. If you are a smoker, you are not only damaging yourself, but also the others with whom you share space while you smoke.

Take care of you, take care of others. It is never too late, follow our advice, leave behind tobacco consumption and improve your quality of life.


  • Bernardo Ricardo, P. B., Clear, or. M., & Walkyria del Carmen, G. R. (2021, June). Smoking and its consequences. In CIBAMANZ2021.
  • Botell, m. L., Bermúdez, m. R., Garcia, l. TO. P., & Feed, and. M. (2006). The consequences of smoking. Cuban Magazine of Hygiene and Epidemiology44(3).
  • Haro Solórzano, M. Yo. (2019). Consequences of tobacco consumption during pregnancy(Doctoral Dissertation, University of Guayaquil. Faculty of Medical Sciences. Obstetrics career).
  • Page, c. S., Test, c. OR., Apps, a. T. P. C., & Test, to. Benefits of leaving tobacco.
  • Ruiz, a. M., Gómez, i. R., Rubio, c., Revert, c., & Hardisson, to. (2004). Toxic effects of tobacco. Toxicology magazinetwenty-one(2-3), 64-71.