Sumial to make oppositions or speaking in public

Sumial to make oppositions or speaking in public

Have your voice ever trembled or have you put red when speaking in public? Many of us have happened to us on more than one occasion. It is something so common that, with some frequency, there are people who resort to chemical solutions to counteract nerves such as, for example, the Summial.


  • What is the summial?
  • What uses can be given?
  • Taking advantage of its potential to be able to speak in public
  • Social and summial phobia

What is the summial?

The summial is a beta blocker, which means it is Able to reduce frequency and cardiac contractility. That is, it makes the heart slow. And this, which can be very afraid, as many can be especially useful in numerous situations.

But before talking about the specific situations in which people usually consume it, let's talk about the DR series. House. In this series there is a chapter in which two drug traffickers appear. But one is not a narco, it is basically an infiltrated policeman.

In this chapter, there comes a time when Dr. House discovers the policeman, and he explains that he is taking beta blockers (which could be perfectly summial). The police explains that this beta blocker allows him not to get red, that his voice does not shake and, ultimately, to be able to act more naturally as if it were a narco, Without getting nervous to know that he is lying and acting.

House himself explains it as follows: "Beta blockers do not relax him, they allow him to avoid scenic fear".

The biggest problem that the summial has is that, to use it, it is necessary to obtain a medical recipe. At least, in most cases (although, it seems, some pharmacies sell it without major difficulties to people who want it to successfully oral exams).

What uses can be given?

In principle, The summial is designed to deal with the following problems:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Chest pain (chest angina).
  • Different heart conditions, such as hypertrophic myocardiopathy.
  • Irregular heartbeats.
  • Protect the heart after having suffered a heart attack.
  • Migraines and jaquecas.
  • Tremors.
  • Anxiety or social phobia.
  • Thyroid problems.
  • Pheochromocytoma or tumors in the adrenal gland (in this case, will be used next to an alpha-adrenergic blocker).
  • Prevent hemorrhages in the esophagus.

However, the truth is that for quite some time, it has been used for many other things. Especially, To help calm down those people who will have to expose themselves to the public (As long as this supposes a problem, of course).

Orexin or hypocretin and its relationship with sleep, intake and humor

Taking advantage of its potential to be able to speak in public

If you have come here, surely it is because you have interest in knowing more about its use because you will speak in public or make some oppositions, for example, and whenever you do something like that you get very nervous. It is also possible that Someone has told you that you can use summial to solve that problem.

And the answer is that if you want to take it, you should first consult your doctor, Well, like any other medicine, although in this case it is for merely punctual consumption, like any drug is not suitable for everyone, and could bring adverse consequences if you have no caution.

Social and summial phobia

Social phobia is basically the intense and paralyzing fear that some people feel when they must talk to other people, expose themselves to the public, etc.

That is to say, What happens to most mortals when we talk in public, but multiplied by a thousand.

What happens to these people is that they believe that the conversations with other people (for example) are going to have "bad", or that the other person will consider him dumb, or laugh at him or her, and things like that.

So, as you have those obsessive thoughts, it gets red, babble, your hands sweat, and in general, it gets extremely nervous. That, in turn, makes the other person consider him a bit weird and laugh at him (or not do it, but think and hide it badly).

This is what the patient was fulfilled that was going to happen, but in the form of self -fully prophecy, not because it was going to happen from a good beginning.

And that is, more or less, the problem that happens to us when we must speak in public (although to a lower degree).

When taking summial, these tremors in their voice disappear, it is easier, Physically we will be calm, although mentally inside we will continue to be nervous.

Seeing that this mental nervousness is not transmitted to our body and the others do not realize, it is easier for us to relax as a consequence, and therefore expose what we were going to expose. This is basically what happens when someone with social phobia takes summial.

As you can see, the Summial it's a drug that can go very well when avoiding the nerves and physical effects of these. It is also a good drug to avoid social phobias and many other stress situations. Of course, it is always necessary to consult a doctor before consuming it and following its indications.