Suggestion discover what it is about

Suggestion discover what it is about

The human mind is wonderful, she has allowed us to achieve incredible things as a species. However, too We would be surprised when considering how easily we can be influenced, or influence the minds of others. Human beings have the power to influence the ideas of others, and about ours, through the suggestion technique.

In this article we will talk about it, what is and implies suggestion, what are its most common manifestations and techniques, we will also talk about its usefulness.

If you are interested in knowing about suggestion and what are your main fields of application, then read!


  • What is suggestion?
    • Suggestion in Psychology
  • Types of suggestion
  • Main techniques
  • What is the suggestion for
    • Bibliographic resources

What is suggestion?

A technique of Mental manipulation, That's what suggestion is about.  It is used to modify ideas, thoughts, even other people's actions. A person defined as suggestible, then, is prone to be manipulated without even noticing it.

We are, human beings in general, easy to suggest, and we are surrounded by factors designed to do so, such as the media and advertisements. Also We suggest the people around us, especially the one we feel affection for.

Test: Are you a manipulative person?

The suggestion technique can be extremely powerful, as much as for modify the way we perceive reality. For this reason, knowing about her and her main manifestations is important, in order to identify the situations in which (accidentally or intentionally) they seek to suggest us.

Suggestion in Psychology

In every therapy, even in the research of the psyche, suggestion plays a crucial role. It must be considered that suggestion implies the manipulation of a person's mind. Therefore, it has great relevance to science that studies behavior and human mind.

Within psychology studies have been carried out to demonstrate that research and their results can be influenced by the suggestion of researchers. They will insist on trying their hypothesis, even in an unintentional way. Sigmund Freud also had to face the difficulties of suggestion while creating his therapeutic technique. The father of psychoanalysis began his therapies using hypnosis, to later leave it aside for noticing that the method suggested his patients.

As you will see, suggestion is a term as recurring as relevant to psychology.

Types of suggestion

Suggestion can be classified according to the characteristic properties of the process. The most common classes of suggestion are: direct, hypnotic, indirect or self -suggestion. We will now tell you what are the main characteristics of each of them:

  1. Direct suggestion. It indicates the person explicitly what you want to experience. It is achieved due to authority, so it is also known as authoritarian suggestion. Someone imposes an order and the suggested person executes it, without any questioning. For example, when trying to calm someone, an order is made such as "you are only anxious, breathe deep, exhale and relax".
  2. Hypnotic suggestion. This is the suggestive state that is achieved by subjecting someone under hypnotic trance. There are also post-hypnotic suggestions, Where a person being out of the trance repeats what was ordered while he was hypnotized. Under the effect of hypnosis, orders are direct.
  3. Indirect suggestion: In this case, the suggestion is not explicit. If in direct suggestion the act of persuasion was notorious, in the case of indirect suggestion this is not so. Who suggests will try persuade another person through subtle strategies, practically imperceptible. This is used in advertising and marketing, being especially useful for sales.
  4. Autosuggestion. This kind of suggestion implies self -conventing. The same person can self -abuse by imposing ideas, which then ends up believing. It is useful in situations in we need to move away negative thoughts, We can self -stating to relax telling us phrases such as: "This is not real, everything is in your mind".
The correct communication in the couple

Main techniques

To impose an idea by suggestion to a person, appropriate techniques must be used. We will tell you now which are the most common:

  • Suggestion by reiterating authoritarian statements. This is one of the strongest and most shocking techniques, since it is imposed on the person for someone with more power, without leaving space for questioning.
  • Suggestion through signs and suggestions. In this case the idea is printed in someone's mind in a subtle way, almost imperceptibly.
  • Suggestion through objects. Physical objects are used in it to establish the act of control over someone.

These methods, as the case may be, can be combined or used in isolation.

What is the suggestion for

As at this point you will know, suggestion is a mental manipulation technique. Through her, someone I could convince you to do, feel, or believe in something that you may never have considered doing. Suggestion has overwhelming effects on someone's will. Its effects can go from making a better person with themselves, to destroy their self -esteem.

Knowing about suggestion, its uses and main strategies, will allow you. Also, of course, if you are interested in sales and marketing, suggestion will be a great work tool for you.

We hope that this article has been useful and that, next time, you can identify suggestion strategies.

Bibliographic resources

  • Asch, s. AND. (1948). The doctrine of suggestion, prestige and imitation in social psychology. Psychological Review, 55 (5), 250.
  • Le Bon, G. (2018). MASS PSYCHOLOGY. Verbum Editorial.
  • Sidis, b. (1898). The Psychology of Suggestion. Science, 8 (188), 162-163.
  • Sidis, b. (1898). The Psychology of Suggestion: A Research into the Subconscious Nature of Man and Society. D. Appleton.