Sleepwalking demystifying popular beliefs about sleepwals

Sleepwalking demystifying popular beliefs about sleepwals


  • What is sleepwalking
  • Speaver in children and adolescents
  • What are some of the factors that influence to develop sleepwalking?
  • What can I do when I find someone wandering sleeping around the house?
      • Relaxing ritual before sleeping
    • Links

What is sleepwalking

The DSM-V classifies this type of parasomnia as a Sleeping of sleep awakening (Rapid Eye Movements). It originates during deep stages and implies the sleeping wandering. The person rises and incorporated, adopting a generally relaxed muscle tone, with a very unique and different look at when he is awake; usually somewhat disheveled, you can walk or even perform other more complex behaviors. So he usually puts a good scare to the family and at the same time worry them.

During the story, this condition has been associated with supernatural issues, and usually, this does not contribute to the restoration of patient's health: the opposite! It should be noted that it has nothing to do with any situation of this type, as many people think. In these people, The brain remains active enough for the person to walk and perform other activities, but not so much so that the person wakes up.

Sometimes, I don't know where the way takes me because I'm wandering asleep while others also sleep. It can be tired sometimes, but I appreciate that restlessness to dream and strength to walk towards my dreams ... still asleep!  Anonymous.

This sleep disorder to some extent is benign, because it can be done Psychoeducation For the patient and the family, Promote sleep hygiene habits, as well as guide and provide some relaxation techniques, sleep induction such as self -suggestion, guided meditations, lowering and working at deeper levels of consciousness: alpha, beta, gamma, delta and Theta. This, through different behavioral modification programs, which can bring great benefits that will be reflected in the patient's well -being and those who cohabit with him.

This condition is more common in children than in adults and it is more likely to happen if the person does not have a good sleep hygiene because his cycle of vigil-sueño is affected.  Sleep alterations in children are more frequent than you think. As we grow, it can occur less frequently, but these behaviors prevail between 1% and 2.5% of the adult population.

Speaver in children and adolescents

The sleeping wandering occasionally does not represent a problem, most children surpass it naturally when passing to
Other stages. The importance of sleeping and dreaming in the early years of life represents a Critical function in maturative development.

Speaizbery occurs in a stage of deep sleep, and that is where growth hormone occurs, it is important to detect and treat them in a timely manner, because it can be said that children and adolescents "grow while they sleep", it is one of the functions of the dream.

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What are some of the factors that influence to develop sleepwalking?

In children, it has been seen that sleepwalking is related to several factors, which include the hereditary component, but environmental factors such as continuous exposure to very strong stimuli for them and large amounts of stress, anxiety are also taken into account; It is associated with harmful habits of sleep hygiene. A very common example today is to allow minors who are awake until late at night, thus generating difficulty waking up in the morning and fatigue on day.

This comes to have an impact on academic performance, because Lack of sleep negatively affects cognitive processes Like learning, memory,
Attention, language and others, which are required for the student to have good use and that people have a good performance in general while performing their activities, these functions help favor our biopsychosocial development process at any age.

It has been observed that sleepwalking It happens when the load of anxiety It is not properly processed during the day. It can range from a concern to get out with good qualification in an exam, to something more delicate, it is common to happen when parents or family have strong problems or discussions in front of them.

What can I do when I find someone wandering sleeping around the house?

The most advisable is to try guide him with respect and kindness of new account to his bed and not wake them up abruptly, Surely he will not remember what happened during the episode because he was at very deep levels of sleep.

Relaxing ritual before sleeping

  • Avoid exposure to very strong stimuli, As very bright video games and screens, at least 2 hours before going to bed to rest.
  • Consume dinner at least 2 hours before going to bed,  avoiding eating stimulants such as chocolate, coffee, energetizing drinks and excess sugar mostly. Preferably drink free drinks from caffeine and sugar like a delicious and aromatic chamomile tea, which is relaxing.
  • Take a bathroom warm and relaxing, Sleep -inducing essential oils can be used that promote relaxation such as lavender and chamomile oil.
  • Perform some Breathing or relaxation exercise That you choose.
  • Keep the Free and clear environment, And as far as possible, to bed as much as possible at soil, this to avoid accidents.

Health professionals can help design and implement the most convenient and practical strategies that improve family dynamics, sometimes the best treatment is what can be applied with perseverance and adapts to our life rhythm. Specialists can detect the specific needs of the family and the patient, in order to provide an encouraging forecast.


  • https: // = bdgcbaaqbaj & pg = pa581 & lpg = pa581 & dq = sleepambulism+WHO Duwq6aeivzah#v = onepage & q = sonambulism%20oms & f = false
  • http: //
  • https: // shaboundation.Org/Sleep-Disorders-Problems/Abnormal-Sleep-Beaviors/Sleepwalking
  • Images: https: // eat/