Specialized software for psychologists, management 2.0 of your consultation

Specialized software for psychologists, management 2.0 of your consultation

Today, the management of a psychology clinic requires a lot of time and effort. A professional not only dedicates time to his patients, but also to administrative tasks.

This involves many hours of added work, plus the effort to stay informed to meet all the requirements. For example, billing management, maintain the data and information of protected patients, and endless tasks.

Thus, More and more tools are helping to maintain control and organization in psychology consultations. The programs for psychologists In the cloud, many of these group, so that professionals can access them at any time and from any device.

With these management programs for psychologists, time management is optimized both in matters of paperwork, and in patient dedication. Thus, greater satisfaction in them, thanks to the improvement in the treatment between psychologist and patient.


  • How many computer programs for psychologists are there?
  • Functionalities of management software for psychologists
    • 1. Psychological medical history
    • 2. Agenda for psychologists
    • 3. Digital documents
    • 4. Video calls
    • 5. Automatic appointment reminders
    • 6. Billing for psychologists
  • The advantages of software for psychologists, with a free test

How many computer programs for psychologists are there?

Over time, everything has ended in an infinity of programs in psychology. But in this case, the 5 will be highlighted, which they offer essential functionalities to manage any psychology office or clinic:

  1. Docfav
  2. OpenStat
  3. Jclic
  4. SPSS
  5. PEBL

These psychologists programs have tools that provide better work management, allowing to organize and control your patient's information, as well as the monitoring of therapeutic activities to them.

Functionalities of management software for psychologists

We are currently constantly evolving, especially in the computer aspect, with the creation of programs that make daily work easier. These software for psychologists must cover significant aspects in terms of security, easy handling, accessibility and, above all, that provide much more effective management. Next, some of the most remarkable tools are described:

1. Psychological medical history

This function is one of the most important, since allows the patient data and evolution. Programs for psychological medical records, on the one hand, replace paper and folders, allowing greater organization in spaces.

But the most remarkable, is that programs like Docfav, provide pre -designed templates to just have to fill out the data. In addition, you can access from any device and access them at any moment, more quickly and more efficiently.

2. Agenda for psychologists

Being able to have an integrated online agenda, allows the psychologist or the clinic to have a Best organization of patient appointments, Showing on a single screen, the day -to -day situation. Guaranteeing a better time management.

3. Digital documents

Digital cloud documents allow to meet one of the most important requirements of a clinic, patient data protection. If you want to meet data protection in psychology, Choose a program adapted to the LOPD and RGPD.

In addition, being cloud psychology softwares, everything will be stored and safe in a digital format. Therefore, it is also of great importance, that they have the option of signing all the files through the digital signature, such as Docfav, this will be fulfilled with what is due, at every moment.

4. Video calls

With the arrival of pandemic, it is completely demonstrated that video calls facilitate the treatment of psychologist and patient. Therefore, having a psychological clinical management program, which allows video consultations, in real time fluently, is essential.

5. Automatic appointment reminders

Automatic reminders are more essential. These allow Avoid the absenteeism of patients, sending an SMS in advance for patient to remember your appointment. It is true that some softwares do not offer very economical options, but others establish very profitable packs such as Docfav, up to 100 quotes remembered for € 6.

6. Billing for psychologists

One of the key points of these software for psychologists is that allow better financial control. They generate invoices automatically, in a few clicks, with pre -designed templates to only fill the patient data. Thus, it will maintain greater control of the situation of the office, as well as speed in the procedures.

The advantages of software for psychologists, with a free test

If you want to discover all the advantages of these functionalities, do not hesitate to choose a program that allows you to try it before compromising your purchase. Management software in psychology must guarantee a series of issues, in terms of organization, security and efficacy. Thus, It is essential to check if this, adapts to your way of working as a psychologist And if it really is intuitive and easy to use.

In some cases, such as Docfav, they allow you the unlimited use of the tools, being able to visualize until the last 1000 consultations of your clinic. An opportunity to check if the program really adapts to your requirements as a professional.