About the presence, a commitment to life

About the presence, a commitment to life

The presence is a notion that has been analyzed for a long time in Western thought. It is understood as a "being" ability, but it can also mean or imply the will to be committed to life.

The presence would be the opposite of absence. However, the first of these terms has other edges, since it can involve a temporary appearance.


  • About the presence
  • Being present is a challenge
  • Exercise
    • Bibliography

About the presence

"Everything is presence, all centuries are present". Octavio Paz

From ancient times, specifically with Plato, the presence is a very studied concept. Being present can mean a deep commitment to life itself.

According to the sketch presented by José Ferrater Mora in the Philosophy Dictionary, the idea of ​​presence and of the entities present seems fundamental in Greek thought, at least in Heidegger's opinion ... the idea of ​​presence and the entities present is so basic that even You get to talk about being as a presence.

Later, Christian philosophers use the term again with a theological sense, In relation to the debated problem of the presence, real or not, of Christ in the Eucharist. Other authors have also expressed that the true presence is equivalent to eternity. Thus, the concept has opened space in several philosophical directions. The notion of presence has reached existential humanistic psychology, as a way of being that involves the entire body and in which the subject is connected to vitality.

There are several ways in which a person can be present, and not only refer to the position he occupies in a certain space, because Today it is said that someone has a presence when they are able to influence other people.

In the existential humanist current, being present an experience in which the person leads a full life, in the sense that he has the ability and willingness to commit to life. It is a immersion that connects the person with himself and with the others, With the world and with the mystery of life.

There is a commitment when there is a link between the mind, the body, reality and spirituality of a person. It is to make way for the entire humanity from the incarnation itself.

The commitment is essential. In this regard, the existentialist philosopher Jean Paul Sartre mentioned that a commitment is assumed when the act is reflective, regardless of the context. That is to say, being committed is to be present, devote yourself with conviction and effort to a project or idea. For example, it is said that a person is committed to his work when he is involved with his tasks, the values ​​and objectives of the company, feeling passion for what he does.

Being present is a challenge

But it is not just a work task, but also of another activity in which passion sits, such as being a dancer, for example, since this artist, with each movement, emanates vitality from the deep of the cells of his body and Irradia to the public.

In the field of therapy it could be that some therapists are not present, but gives the feeling that "observe from the shore". Instead, In humanistic sessions, therapists "swim, submerge the river", with their patient. That is why, being present is a challenge and merits feeling courage, since different emotions can be experienced, whether they are positive or difficult to digest.

Many people "protect" and avoid being present, either in their emotional relationships or in a therapy session, so it is said that being present requires an attitude attitude. Each person can become aware of how he is protecting and what prevents him from being present at a certain moment or experience.

Therefore, being present is to assume a commitment with himself and with life, with others, with the world and with how enigmatic that there may be in life.

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To start a self -assessment, it is suggested to find a moment and a place where there is silence and tranquility, without interruptions and be aware of where the person feels present, in life or with relations with others, allowing to experience the emotions that appear.

Accompany the exercise of slow breaths and ask yourself Where are you present with all being?, At what time are there commitments to what is done? This is essential to assume the courage that merits the fact of being present.

If the person feels "disconnected" or recognizes not feeling linked to some aspect of life, it is suggested to take psychological accompaniment.

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  • Ferrater Mora, J. (1978). Abbreviated philosophy dictionary V. 1: ak. South America.
  • Fletcher, g. (2016). The Philosophy of Well-Being: An Introduction. Routledge.
  • Floridi, l. (2005). The Philosophy of Represent: From Epistemic Failure to Successful Observation. IDENE14(6), 656-667.