Rich Child Syndrome, why are there children who need many toys to have fun?

Rich Child Syndrome, why are there children who need many toys to have fun?

The rich child syndrome refers to those little ones who receive numerous gifts and present of all kinds of parents, but are not necessarily what most need.

Many parents are occupied today and perhaps most have more than one reason to explain it, such as economic instability, the high cost of living, service payments, among others. But, even if they are important reasons to work many hours a day, Children deserve to be considered and receive time and attention.


  • What is the rich child syndrome
  • Parents are everything for children
  • Consequences of excessive use of toys
    • Bibliography

What is the rich child syndrome

The rich child syndrome does not appear in any diagnostic manual, But it is a phenomenon that many psychologists, educators and pedagogues begin to notice in their work areas: children who need many toys to have fun and, in addition, get everything they want immediately.

In other times, perhaps many children, who today are adults, needed few toys, for example, to have fun because The objects were not the main thing, but the company with other colleagues at school, Creativity to invent games, sing and other activities.

However, currently, A large number of children do not feel motivated to have fun if they do not have a toys arsenal. To this refers to the rich child syndrome. Parents, to compensate for the lack of time, usually give their children any object to entertain, not to mention the screens, which are much more harmful and the consequences of prolonged use has been discussed by experts.

As we see, The rich child syndrome refers to a picture in which children need to be surrounded by many toys or objects to have fun. This replaces to give love, attention and proximity to the little ones, filling their world of things that are unnecessary for their development.

When a criticism of this form of parenting is made, there is no reference to the fact of not giving toys, but it is a call for attention so that they do not replace the truly relevant, then Material things will never produce the positive impact generated by closeness with the little ones.

Parents are everything for children

Children are helpless, they are vulnerable to many life situations and their best security sources are their parents. For this reason, attention and care are so important. In addition, as the UNICEF highlights, The first years of life are crucial for the future, Regarding brain development, the ability to learn in school, happiness, well -being and the way of relating to money.

The organization indicates that, during those first years of life, the training stage takes place, in which The brain of a baby can form more than one million new neuronal connections, per second. It is a rhythm that never achieves again. Here is the importance of early childhood, in which aspects such as good diet, stimuli and, of course, attention, which is synthesized in: Eating, playing and loving, essential factors for the development of children.

Although many point out that, among the risks of the rich child syndrome, one of them is that the child is spoiled, perhaps the syndrome has other more significant repercussions, such as cancel healthy communication between parents and children or not help them in their brain development, Through creativity and the importance of games.

It should be noted that, although the syndrome has received that name, it has nothing to do with the fact that the parents are wealthy, but rather that they try to give them everything to replace the true samples of love with objects with objects.

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Consequences of excessive use of toys

When parents deliver many toys or excess objects to their children to compensate for the lack of time and affection, some consequences may be the following:

  1. The child does not know what to do if he has no toys at his disposal.
  2. Fails to manage frustration when he does not immediately obtain what he wants.
  3. Dissatisfaction.
  4. Anger.
  5. Boredom.
  6. They fail to share with family members.
  7. They are little collaborators with family tasks.
  8. Difficulty establishing social relationships.
  9. They fail to regulate anger.
  10. There is no good communication with parents or conflict resolution capacity.

Finally, it is necessary to keep in mind that The most important thing for the little ones is not the toys. Although they can be given gifts, it is also necessary to support them to develop their other skills, which will be useful for the rest of their lives.

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  • Henao López, G. C., & Garcia Vesga, M. C. (2009). Family interaction and emotional development in boys and girls. Latin American Magazine of Social Sciences, Children and Youth7(2), 785-802.
  • Pizzo, m. AND. (2006). The development of school -age children. Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires.
  • Veal, l. TO. C. (2009). Characteristics of cognitive and language development in preschool age. Psychogree12(22).