Emperor Syndrome Symptoms, causes and treatment

Emperor Syndrome Symptoms, causes and treatment

If your child, your nephew or a child you know show Popularly known "Emperor Syndrome".

This behavior disorder is manifested through philioparental violence towards one or both parents and, according to the classification of the American Psychologist Assosiation (APA), it is closely related to the challenging negative disorder (TND). If you want to know more deeply what it is, how to detect it, what are its causes and possible treatments, ¡Keep reading! In this psychology-online article, we will talk about Emperor syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment.

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  1. Emperor Syndrome Symptoms
  2. Emperor Syndrome Causes
  3. Emperor Syndrome Treatment

Emperor Syndrome Symptoms

¿How to know if my son has emperor syndrome? If you want to know, then we show you the main symptoms of the emperor syndrome:

  • General hostility attitude and opposition to parents.
  • Existence of continued incidents such as insults, vexations, threats and/or acts of physical violence towards one or both parents.
  • The violence It usually starts in early adolescence o Pre -adolescence, although previous indicators such as rebellion, hostility or affective detachment can be observed.
  • Inability to develop moral emotions Like empathy, love and compassion.
  • Difficulty showing guilt: They do not show sincere regret for bad actions. They tend to blame their behaviors of others. In this article we tell you what is the fault in psychology.
  • It is difficult for them to follow the established norms: inability to learn from mistakes and discuss the punishments imposed by their parents.
  • The boy or girl seeks their own benefit, guided by great egocentrism.
  • Usual challenge behaviors, lies and even cruel acts towards brothers and friendships.
  • They present Low tolerance to frustration, manifesting tantrums, anger attacks, insults, etc.
  • Scarce resources for problem solving: Difficulty to face experiences that do not control. They expect others to solve their problems.
  • They think they are the center of attention And you have to meet all your demands. But once they get what they want, they are dissatisfied again and ask for more things.
  • They usually have low self -esteem. Discover how to treat low self -esteem in children.

Emperor Syndrome Causes

¿How Emperor Syndrome is generated? The violence of a son or daughter towards his parents can originate due to certain situations. Let's see what are the main causes of the emperor syndrome:

  • Children who have received abuse or have been subject to serious parental negligence. In this article you will see what are the characteristics of negligent parents.
  • Children suffering from serious mental disorders: For example, some psychotic disorders that make them see threats where there are no and, for that reason, act violently towards their parents.
  • Young addicts to substance and/or that are under the effect of them.
  • Altered constitution of the nervous system boys and girls: Genetic cause that hinders the educational task of parents. It makes it difficult for them to control their impulses and have consequences in the affective field. Even so, genetics is not decisive and this is influenced by the environment and the psycho-social environment.

Emperor Syndrome Treatment

If you wonder how to treat emperor syndrome, it is important Pose multimodal interventions specifically designed for the deficiencies of each case, including both behavioral, cognitive, family, social, as pharmacological interventions, if necessary. It is also recommended to combine individual and group interventions.

When designing the treatment, we must take into account that Emperor's syndrome has a tendency to chronicity, so they must consider long -term follow -up. In addition, in case of presenting comorbid psychological alterations, it will also be necessary to create an intervention plan for these.

As the most effective are multimodal treatments, we will have to intervene, in addition to the boy or girl, with parents and with school. Next, we will see how to carry out the treatment of the emperor syndrome in each case:

  • Intervention with parents: Behavioral treatment is the one that has shown the greatest efficacy to date for children of lower ages. It is important that they acquire tools to deal with behavioral problems in children with the aim of establishing an effective interaction at home.
  • Individual intervention with the child: Through behavioral cognitive therapy, the objective will be to increase the consciousness of minors about themselves and about the emotions of others. Teach them to manage their emotions and behaviors and promote a positive concept of relationships with colleagues and family, as well as enhance the development of skills that improve problem solving. In the treatment of emperor syndrome, psychoeducation of the problem with cognitive behavior modification techniques and restructuring techniques will be worked.
  • School intervention: anticipate what can be problematic situations and immediately explain the consequences, both positive to do it well, as negatives to do it wrong and create a reward/punishment system.

Once the treatment of the emperor syndrome is finished, it is advisable to monitor the first month, to the 3 months and to the 6 months to reassess the situation and detect any violent behavior again.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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