Don Juan Syndrome Cause of infidelity?

Don Juan Syndrome Cause of infidelity?

Don Juan Demarco is a mythical character who appears in Francis Ford Coppola's movie. Tell the story of a psychiatrist who tries to study a man who walks through using a mask and cape. Is dedicated to show off their conquests and feel able to seduce anyone. Although this story is fiction, mental health experts consider Don Juan syndrome as a real problem.

As indicated by your name, It is an alteration of personality that affects sentimental relationships. Although it bears the name of a male character, it can also occur in women. In this article, you will know more details regarding this peculiar affection.


  • What is Don Juan syndrome?
  • Symptoms
  • Causes of Don Juan Syndrome
  • Treatment
    • References

What is Don Juan syndrome?

The archetype of Don Juan is used to describe a man with seductive personality, who is conquering women there. These types of people are unable to maintain a stable relationship and if they have it, it is usually due to social pressure. In addition, they are common to be unfaithful when they get involved in this type of links.

The creation of this character is attributed to Tirso de Molina, a Spanish playwright, poet and narrator. Since then, the term "Don Juan" is used to talk about little committed men and who seem to be proud of being unfaithful. However, beyond popular culture, several professionals consider these personality traits as an alteration that they call Don Juan syndrome.

It is also called "Donjuanismo" and those who suffer from it have a compulsion for sentimental conquests. They are attentive, affectionate, eloquent and seductive when they identify a new love interest. However, once they get their love, they lose interest and go to a new conquest.

Following this line, it is an alteration that can present both men and women (although to a lesser extent). It is also observed in single and people with stable sentimental relationships. Don Juanes use their skills in order to seduce and manipulate their links in order to meet certain needs.


Continuing with the above, it is important to mention that Don Juan syndrome is not a recognized disorder in the DSM-V. But, Some experts consider that it could be encompassed within narcissistic personality disorder. Starting from that base, some typical behavior features of Don Juanism can be described:

  • Feeling of greatness. As well as in the film, these patients are considered great lovers and irresistible for anyone. It is common for us to listen to them boast of their talent to conquer or from their love experiences of the past.
  • Little empathy. Due to their narcissistic tendency, it is a problem for them to consider the feelings of others. From their perspective, men or women are like objects that can possess and discard as required.
  • Desire for admiration. One of the things that matter most to narcissists is to feed their ego. To this end, they turn to the conquests, fall in love with the other and get them to profess love. However, it is a momentary satisfaction that does not finish filling its emotional emptiness and therefore they go to look for another conquest.
  • Unstable sentimental relationships. As stated at the beginning, for them it is very difficult to maintain a stable affective bond. They are little interested in developing a close relationship with another person.
The arrogance, features of arrogant people

Causes of Don Juan Syndrome

Moize (2020) published a study on Don Juan syndrome, with the aim of determining its characteristics. The results indicated that Don Juanism is associated with shadow -personality traits (sadism, selfishness, resentment), sexual compulsivity and experimentation values.

Other factors can influence the development of alteration, such as experiences with paternal figures. As we know well, parents act as models to follow for infants in their first years of life. If any of the caregivers present the typical features of Don Juan, such behaviors are likely to be normal.

On the other hand, there are those who point to possible genetic factors that are related to sexual compulsivity. In those cases, it is necessary to evaluate the patient's family history to know their genetic heritage.

In this same sense, Other factors such as machismo, in the case of men, can cause their appearance. Recall that, in macho thought, the man is superior to the woman and the latter tends to be seen as an object. Therefore, being exposed to a culture where this type of thought predominates, can be a risk factor for Don Juan syndrome.


While Don Juanism is not a disease that is contemplated in a diagnostic manual, it could be considered a personality disorder. The treatment for this type of pictures is complex and long, since it is chronic conditions. Through psychotherapeutic techniques, the particular causes of said behavior can be evaluated. Frequently, they seek to fill an emotional vacuum through the experience of falling in love.

In some cases, pharmacological treatment may be necessary, especially in cases where genetic factors are suspected. These medications can aim to reduce the impulsivity and hypersexuality typical of these paintings.

Finally, it is important to mention that Don Juan's syndrome can only diagnose a professional. It is possible that the symptoms of this condition are confused with those of other similar alterations. For that reason, It is best to consult an expert if you have any suspicion of behavior problems.


  • Moize, h. B. C. (2020). Donjuanismo Syndrome: Councils, Measures and correlates.