Burned caregiver syndrome and the need to take care of the one who takes care

Burned caregiver syndrome and the need to take care of the one who takes care

He burned caregiver syndrome This is a condition that people can go through the people in charge of caring for another in vulnerability, for example, for suffering a serious illness or in case of taking care of an older adult.

We seek to raise awareness about the stress and overload situations that those caregivers that are delivered to meet the needs of others in dependent people may be going through.

Keep reading if you want to meet about the caregiver's overload syndrome and the importance of caring for those who take care of others.


  • What is known as burned caregiver syndrome?
  • Symptoms and consequences
    • 1. Physical symptoms
    • 2. Emotional symptoms
    • 3. Social symptoms
  • What to do if I suffer from burned caregiver syndrome?
  • In conclusion
    • Sources

What is known as burned caregiver syndrome?

Burned caregiver syndrome, as we advance before, is A state of physical and emotional exhaustion that can cross a person in charge of the care of another as vulnerability. The care required is demanding so that, although it takes care of a loved one, it can sometimes be overwhelming and excessively stressful.

Herbert Freudenberger was the one who coined this term to designate how they felt volunteers who had collaborated in a clinic to help people with addictions. After a year of working with them, the volunteers were irritated, stressed, exhausted. Hence the term of burned or overloaded caregiver.

Who takes care of a dependent person must constantly respond to their demand, so it is exhausting. The caregivers are extremely overloaded by the needs they must meet and, if they do not manifest their emotions, Psychic consequences can be serious by others.

We will tell you why this condition occurs in the caregiver, the damage that can entail and how you can help who is going through this.

Symptoms and consequences

Burned caregiver syndrome does not develop from one day to the next, but is the result of dragging for months, or even years, the difficult responsibility to meet the needs of a person in a state of vulnerability.

We will tell you here what are the most characteristic symptoms of the extreme exhaustion of the caregiver, in order to be alert and take care of who takes care.

The symptomatology of the painting is both physical and emotional and social.

1. Physical symptoms

  • Constant exhaustion.
  • Difficulty getting to sleep.
  • Increase in tobacco, caffeine or energizing.
  • Recurrent digestive discomfort.
  • Tremor in hands and feet.
  • Notable decrease in body weight.

2. Emotional symptoms

  • Extreme sadness.
  • Feelings of guilt.
  • Frequent and sudden mood changes.
  • Difficult to focus.
  • Memory problems.

3. Social symptoms

  • Isolation regarding loved ones.
  • Abuse towards other people.
  • Loss of interest in activities that previously enjoyed.

Now you know, of noticing any of these indications in a person who dedicates much of his time (if not all of him) to the care of someone else, it is best to offer your help. And, if you feel identified with them and think that you can be suffering from the caregiver's exhaustion, we will tell you how you can reverse this situation.

Drug addictions: causes and protection

What to do if I suffer from burned caregiver syndrome?

In case of most of your day, taking care of taking care of a person in a state of vulnerability, and if you suspect you could be going through a situation like it described, we will tell you what you can do to return well -being to your life.

  1. Do not deny What happens to you. Feeling tired is human, don't let the guilt dominate you. Because you probably can't recognize what you're happening. Accepting reality is the first step to solve the problem.
  2. Seeks Help and support. Taking care of someone demanding is a lot of weight for only one. Tell someone of trusted, ask for help not to drop all the weight exclusively on your shoulders. Do not think to be essential, another person could do the same as you just or even better.
  3. Do not put aside your links. Continue to hold periodic meetings with friends and family will allow you to find spaces in which to clear you and feel better about yourself.
  4. The latest, but more important: take care of yourself. Get as a priority, feed and sleep well, do things that make you happy. Do not let him be in the care of someone more absorb your life completely, you must give yourself space to yourself.

In conclusion

We have told you what this condition is known as the burn caregiver syndrome or caregiver's overload. The main objective of this article focuses on which, whoever reads it can understand the great responsibility with whom a person who has the task of taking care of another in a state of vulnerability loads.

The fact that we are in charge of the care of a loved one and we do it with pleasure, that does not take away the stress that I could lead to deliver our day to day to the careful care.

The one who takes care must also be taken care of, and of course, be careful.


  • Freudenberger, h. J. (1974). Staff Burn -Journal of Social Issues30(1), 159-165.
  • Marrodán Mazo, C. (2010). Chapter 6: Burned caretaker syndrome. Chapter 6: Burned caretaker syndrome, 139-148.
  • Martínez Pizarro, S. (2020). Burned caregiver syndrome. Clinical Journal of Family Medicine13(1), 97-100.
  • Monreal Bartolomé, to., & Prieto Adánez, G. (2017). Burned caretaker detection test analysis with the RASCH model. Psychology writings (Internet)10(2), 116-125.
  • Mora Vico, M. T. Burned caregiver syndrome: aspects that have an impact on him and how to prevent it.