Hubris syndrome at work what is, symptoms and causes

Hubris syndrome at work what is, symptoms and causes

Hubris syndrome does Reference to people who experience a personality change when they are in leadership positions. It can occur in business, politics or in any other field.

This syndrome is characterized by an excess of arrogance that some people present and that exceeds the limits of what could be considered normal, being more relevant in people with high power.

In this post we will talk in more detail about Hubris syndrome, and for this we will explain what their symptoms and what work positions are usually developing this little known psychological alteration.


  • Meaning of Hubris Syndrome in Psychology
  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Treatment
    • Bibliography

Meaning of Hubris Syndrome in Psychology

Hubris syndrome known in Greek ὕβρις, Hýbris, means excess arrogance or pride, and was first described by former politician David Obem and by psychiatry Jonathan Davidson to use it as a diagnostic picture to classify the excessive power of some political characters.

This syndrome is a psychiatric pathology that in which the person believes to have the knowledge of some area and exerts power over another person. That is, in this clinical picture the individual abuses his power before other people without having notion of it.

How can it be seen, Hubris syndrome is related to a exacerbated need for recognition and admiration by other people. So, there is a direct relationship between this pathology and narcissistic personality disorder, since they share qualities that unify them.

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For David Owen, Hubris syndrome is sometimes seen as a natural extension, or at least not unexpected, of the confidence and ambition of anyone looking for power. While many could consider arrogance as an unfortunate side of leaders, they also think that at least a certain level of arrogance is the price to be paid for a great leadership.

Owen details Hubris syndrome as a unique and acquired personality disorder that develops After a leader has maintained power for a period of time. Apart, it is only applicable if there is no history of psychiatric disease.


Owen and Davidson described a diagnostic picture of Hubris syndrome with the characteristic symptoms, these being those that we list below:

  • Excessive concern for the image itself
  • Tends to see the world as if it were the scenario where to carry out its power and achieve success
  • Carry out certain actions with the purpose of extolling your own image
  • Frequently uses your power for self-gloss
  • It has excessive confidence in itself and also shows contempt for others and makes harsh criticisms
  • Contempt for other people's ideas
  • Abuse of power in interpersonal relationships
  • Superiority complex
  • They enlarge each and every one of their actions
  • They suffer from restlessness, impulsivity and recklessness
  • They do not pay any of their actions

Despite the described symptoms, it should be noted that it should be taken into account that the presence of any of this does not necessarily imply that we are facing Hubris syndrome. He diagnosis must be made by a mental health professional to evaluate the clinical conditions of the patient.

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Hubris syndrome does not usually develop abruptly, appearing its symptoms overnight, but usually they are usually manifesting progressively.

This disorder is usually developed by people with senior positions, be in the field that is, so that when reaching said position, the most normal is that during the first days they even have enough doubts about their functions and also of each decision they must take.

When things march perfectly, The compliments arrive, acting as a reinforcer who will make his ego expand And your self -esteem and self -confidence begin to grow, being able to obtain excessive levels. And when this happens, that person can begin to be arrogant, so that he will feel indispensable, believing that success will last permanently and it is here when superb begins, feeling superior to others, generating that he has a deal with others different people and many times even contemptuous.

But when the person has achieved a degree of pride in his way of being and acting, it is when a certain paradox can develop, so that he will think that other beings are envious and can also reach Consider that other subjects want to take your position.

It should be noted that arrogance syndrome, as is also known, not only affects politicians, ministers or related people. It can also appear in any person in the world and that comes from any field. That is, Hubris syndrome can also occur in athletes, doctors, economists, among others.


Orwen and Davidson believed that Hubris syndrome is a Reversible disorder. This means that it can be sent when the person loses or yields. However, it is not easy for an individual to suffer from this disorder returns to the reality of another.

To achieve this, it is important that he has the help of a professional psychologist, who allows him to find his values, know himself, accept himself as he is and value others. With help, you can develop modesty, empathy and respect for others, characteristics of which it lacked before.

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  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington: Pan -American Medical Editorial.
  • González-García, J. (2019). Syndrome of Hubris In neurosurgery. Neurology Magazine, 68 (2), 346-353.