Persistent sexual excitement syndrome, causes and treatment

Persistent sexual excitement syndrome, causes and treatment

He Persistent sexual excitement syndrome (known as PGAD in English) It is a disorder in which the person, normally woman, suffers a persistent sensation of genital excitement, feeling a Total incoherence and lack of control of your body.


  • Persistent sexual excitement syndrome
  • Characteristics of the PGAD
  • Causes of this disorder
  • Treatment for PGAD
    • Bibliography

Persistent sexual excitement syndrome

It is a reaction or response of unjustified and involuntary sexual excitement, since it happens in contexts that the person who suffers it does not interpret as erotic, causing both physical and psychological discomfort. Although it is more persistent in women, there are also cases of men who suffer it, although in the case of men, spontaneous erections are often lived as pleasant and not as invasive. The psychological factor is this case, according to the DRA explains. Francisca Molero, member of the Spanish Federation of Sexology Societies (FESS); The woman will consider it as Something unwanted and, because of this, a psychological reaction of rejection will appear.

According to Molero, some women are capable of a rapid sexual response and may experience genital excitation sensations without the need for the subjective sensation of sexual excitement, this can cause them to have special ease to get excited and have orgasms.

Characteristics of the PGAD

More than a pathology with a defined etiology, the PGAD is extracted from a series of testimonies, mostly feminine, who manifest a clinical discomfort consisting of a sudden and involuntary excitement, which can end up generating an orgasm without such response occurring for desire, that is, without the person having any reason for it. It can happen anywhere, public or private, as a public transport, in a religious ceremony, in a working meeting. The person who suffers it has no control in the genital physiological reaction.

The main characteristics would be the following:

  • Sexual excitement feels intrusive.
  • The sensations last hours and even days and do not relieve, even if the person gets orgasm.
  • Orgasm is perceived as uncomfortable, producing sensations of anguish and anxiety.
  • There is no subjective sensation on the patient for any triggering sexual stimulus.
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Causes of this disorder

The etiology or causes that produce it do not seem to be defined today. Neither does there seem reliable data on the incidence in the population, although they are known many more cases among women than in men.

Of the causes that could originate, we can number the trauma located at the base of the column, a Malfation of sensory nerves or an alteration of genital-corebro communication, Variations in the pudent nerve that extends through the pelvic region, genitals and anus or the so -called "tarlov cysts" that affect the nerve roots of the lower part of the column. Regarding these cysts, Professor Barry Komisaruk, published a job in the magazine Journal of Medicine in which the presence of these bumps in the spine is related to the pgad.

What this disorder should not. This syndrome alters all phases of the sexual response, including desire, which means that they can behave a loss of sexual appetite.

The big problem of women suffering from pgad is tendency to isolate because they think that others can realize. Although this may not happen, it is more what the woman feels and how she reacts than what others perceive.

Treatment for PGAD

Due to its multiple causes, there is no generalized treatment for this disorder. As in other multifactorial base disorders for therapeutic approach it is recommended

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Use of certain inhibitory drugs of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake such as valproic acid

AND Always accompany treatment with sexual therapy, so that the people suffering from pgad are aware of the diversity of sexual stimuli in the environment and know how to react in the most positive way possible. Thus it is necessary to attend medical, psychologically and sexually to those who suffer from it and their partner, since sexual dynamics will be disrupted by this disorder.

The person will feel like a sexual depraved, when in reality it is not so. Self -image will be seriously damaged, it is essential to treat anguish and anxiety and help build a positive vision of sexuality, helping to learn to discriminate the stimuli that may be sexually stimulating. Only then can the person enjoy a healthy sex life.


  • Bohannon, c. (2016). Persistent sexual excitement syndrome. Mind and brain, n.º. 76, p. 76-80. ISSN 1695-0887
  • Memories XXIV Colombian Congress of Internal Medicine, Barranquilla 2016 recovered on December 14, 2019
  • http: //
  • Komisaruk, b. (2011). Women's Clitoris, Vagina, and Cervix Mapped On The Sensory Cortex: FMRI Evidence. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, N.º 8, pages. 2822-2830